Saturday, August 8, 2020

80% of work is psychology, 20% is skill

Work skills that will....

make you shine with life 

make work move forward smoothly 

make excitement flood your soul 

and make your body rejoice! 


80% of work is psychology

20% is skill


Incessantly asking yourself questions


The strength of your desire is proportional to  

the number of questions 


What are the questions to ask?



"Why" did you set this goal? 

What is the "ultimate purpose" of achieving this goal? 

If you achieve this goal, "what will you gain"? 

If you achieve this goal, "who will you become"? 

If you achieve this goal, what will "those around you" think of you? 

If you achieve this goal "what potential will be released?" 


What kind of a future exists for you?!


Visualize and verbalize it! 


How would it affect your life?!


Your health・・・Health is not everything but if you lose it, you will lose everything. 

You relationships 

・・becoming happy from the inside first 

 What you want to do (work, volunteer etc.) 

 Hobbies and enjoyment

 Finances and time


The top 20% priorities of what you need to do 


This decides 80% of your results

=In other words, you can achieve it if you do the top 20% of "what must be done" 


↓↓↓What comes in the way is 

Limiting beliefs (negative beliefs)  Below we'll call them LB

These are not "truths" but simply "what you believe" 

*even if you know it in your head, its hard to implement 

 "You know you should do it but you're not" , but WHY??? 


This is where the LB beliefs come up!


example)Diet   Running 30 minutes 

How about 5 minutes?! (=Baby steps) 

3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months 


↓↓↓Easy method↓↓↓


Listen to someone who is already doing it 

and steal that theory!!!




Massive action!


If you can't for some reason, then there is a LB, so start from the beginning. 

The problem is not that you don't act. The real problem is before that. 


Before that means?!



Envision your "desires" 

What is your "fear"? =LB 

"Goal setting" 

→What will it give you?


"Strategy"=the how

 ・What should you do? What are the priorities?! Just 20% is enough!

 ・When's the deadline?

 ・What is the estimated time?

 ・Do I have any fears (=LB)」?

 ・What are the obstacles you can imagine?!


Take action!!!

Massive action!




○ ×


You will get results!


Did it go well?!

Why did it not get well?!


Create an environment where you can get feedback!!!


Your LB will come up again!

Two methods






Coaching is "1 to 1" 


CREC method

・Conclusion     "Should stand in the others shoes" 

・Reason           "From their perspective...."    

・Example    "Me too....." 

・Concusion      "should stand in the others shoes" 



Do you have ideas to make your plan better?

What was wrong with the plan?

Were you confident in the plan? If you were to rate it from 1〜100?!

What made it not 100 points?! 

Mostly, coaching is for your "LB" 

and Masterminds are for creating your "PLAN" 



Today is August 8th, 

a powerful of the Lions Gate! 





2.Drink lots of water

3.Don't push yourself too hard

4.Avoid trouble




Taro Okamoto


Old Japanese Folk garden


〒107-0062 東京都港区南青山6-1-19


I wanna go〜〜〜〜
