Monday, June 22, 2020

What is the purpose of life?! The people who are serious about life are enjoying life. "Success" is "the fruit of growth"

Yesterday's seminar was wonderful♪

Enjoying difficulties and challenges!

The state of your heart is important
Cannot be "MUST"
Let's go the direction of "WANT" to and excitement!

In whatever you do, the state of your heart is what decides the results.

Some people get stuck with the methods or the means.

When the store manager changes, their entire performance also changes
What kind of shop owners have high sales?
People who know how to work hard?!
Those who are enjoying what they do!!!
Who love work
and who love their team 

Sendai Ikuei is a director who was famous for reversals!
Tough situations are what help humans to grow most!

Tough situations can be turned into opportunities!
It's a chance to teach that! 

 Learning to enjoy those moments

The other team gained 5 points at once ・・・the team formed a circle
"At last, the chance has come!" l...and he takes out the fan
The words on the fan say ""You are all going according to plan!!"

He says, "There will never be such an interesting match!
Go create a legacy!!"

Ise Shrine
How to increase your good luck
Do more of what will make God happy!
That is・・・
"To live in joy every day!"
To enjoy and rejoice and be happy in advance =Pre celebrate 


Mr. Fujimoto is so interesting! 

Education is ・・・
the "completion of your character"
"being healthy in both body/mind/spirit"

Learning to bring out the strengths of the subordinates
grows your character and will make your healthy

Success and happiness
Happiness= Having no anxiety, Having good luck, Spending every day the way you want
There are people who are successful but who are not happy. 

1)Clarify your dreams
2)Set goals
3)Make a plan 
4)Implement it

1)Clarify your dreams 
    Health wise ・・・Health is not everything, but if you lose your health, you will lose everything
 Human relationships ・・Make internal happy before external 
 What you want to do (work, volunteer work etc)
     Hobbies and things you enjoy
     Finances and time

Write it out
Visualize it before you sleep 

2)Set goals 

There are people who don't have goals thinking →What will happen if I can't achieve it
Is there are meaning to that "goal"?!

・Write it out on paper 
・Confirm those goals every day. Say it outloud
・Goals should not be set too high 
・Should be specific and easy to understand, easily measured and have a deadline  

and something that you are in agreement with!

3)Make a plan

Those who aren't good at making plans,
its a good idea to ask for help from those who are good at it! 

・Is it possible to get the help of others?
・What tools do you have? 
・Are the plans detailed? 
・Can you visualize achieving it? 
・Is the how and the order of it clear? 

4)Implement it 

・Visualize your goals 
・Don't forget gratitude and respect 
・Focus on what you can control 
・Focus on the 20% priority 
・Are you able to borrow the help of others? 
・Is it effective for goal achievement? Self-check it! 

What comes in the way of goal achievement is "your state of heart"
Comparing with others 
Being a victim of the past (this happened to me before that's why I can't)
Do you tend to think that you are right and others are wrong?


10 obstacles to success 
・Self-Control  ×
 Are you able to manage your consciousness? 

・Self-image decreases 
・Not sure how to fill your heart 
・Decrease in decisive power   When looking at things in the long-term, essentially and periodically 
・Problem solving ability 
・No one to collaborate 
・Habit of making excuses 
・Lack of study 
・Lack of energy 

10 Laws of success 

・Goals/Planning   Priorities 
・Psychological laws 
・Being a professional 
・Lifelong learning 

How to take notes
On the left side of the page (what you heard)
On the right side of the page  "your reaction" " TO DO ideas" 

What is the purpose of life?!
Following what excites you

"Success" is "the fruit of growth"

How can I be of use ?!
Not expecting return

To children 
Learn from mistakes 
There are interesting adults!

Become someone people want to support 
・Be wholehearted →What does that mean?! Decide you will do it 
・Be a giver                  Don't quit until the end 
・Excitement          Enjoy life to the full 
・Sparkling full of dreams   Those who seem like they are struggling →not good!
・Cheerful and fun        People gather around such people!
・Those overflowing with gratitude 

We can do nothing alone!→We are powerless in a good way
We must borrow the help of others
Ask God, "Am I doing this?" and reflect on today.
Humility → Imperfect but striving for perfection 

"Talking" is a "Skill"
"Listening" is "Caliber"

Live life in a good mood!

Enjoy everything 
Life is a 100 year summer vacation
So that you can have the victory pose on the last day of your life 

So much learning! (lol) 


Thank you!


Brings me to tears!
Thank you


Takumi Yamazaki LINE stamps, first collection released!!