Wednesday, June 24, 2020

The "tear jerking" song I played during Training with MIO was....

Yesterday's picture diary. 

The "tear jerking" song I played during MIO training is this one・・・


I'm sorry it disconnected partway! (lol) 

I'm following CHIAKI with the belief that
if I continue the jiggling exercise I'll get a body like this! 

Takumi Yamazaki AW news→


Toshitaka Mochizuki's mail magazine
So great for learning!!!

↓↓↓I'm remorseful↓↓↓

Only do one thing at once. 


I'm often "subconsciously distracted" before I know it  


■ You can do alot because you can focus on one thing 

┌1) Doctor BOB
  Outstanding medical advisor who puts family at top priority

Bob Coacher

He is affectionately called "Doctor Bob"

He was a talented physician that when faced
with the realities of the world of medicine,
made a big decision.


"One cannot save sick patients
by working in a weakened system"


He forsook the path of being a doctor,
and started a practice as an advisor to
"Create better levels of opportunities for medicine"

With his brain and his skills
he got passionate offers from major consulting firms,
Stanford university and even the President of America.

However, this is not the reason Doctor Bob is respected and loved.
The reason for this is elsewhere.

That is・・・


"He places priority on his family
and ensures that he is back home in time for dinner
with his family"


That's pretty awesome isn't it.

How can he be so active while maintaining
such a "work life balance"

They say people discover the secret
within minutes of meeting him.

┌2)"Doctor Bob is completely focused on that moment" 

As witnessed by those who actually interviewed him.


”The moment I stepped in the room with Doctor Bob

the room was a place with only me and him.

There was never a moment that we were disturbed
by co-workers, phone calls or e-mails."


"I felt energy from him"

"I could feel he is giving us the same energy and focus
as he would if he were talking to the President of the United States."

"Doctor Bob was completely focused on that moment."

"It was the moment we saw the secret of his success directly with our own eyes."


Only doing one thing at once 

That was the secret to Doctor Bob's lifestyle.

He decided what he would give his entire focus to 
every hour, and continued to implement that. 

┌3)You can do alot because you can focus on one thing 

"Living now, in this moment"

This is a place that those who are considered awakened in the world reach. 

Having said that, in this world that is overflowing with information,
it is increasingly difficult.

There is always "noise" going on around us. 

There are never-ending things that could "distract us" 

It may seem like those who can handle all that quickly are those who would succeed.

But ・・・

Those who truly succeed are those who can focus

It is those who have the courage to shut out everything besides what is right in front of them.

This is what leads to "completion" and as a result, bears fruit.

It's because you can focus on one thing, that you can get alot done.

Thank you for reading today.

Reference for today's episode was
taken with gratitude
from the books/articles below.

"Peak Performance--Elevate your game"

2017年 Diamond
Author Brad Stulberg
   Steve Magness
Translator  Kumiko Fukui


 Welcome to the world of mobility in the near future of 2030

Future predictions! What the smartphone in 2030 will look like 


Recipes are posted here! 

Takumi Yamazaki AW news→