Friday, January 3, 2020

Setting unclear goals is the same as not setting any! Searching for app creators!

On the look out for someone who can create an app


I have an interesting idea!
"Someone who can create apps" & "someone who knows Takumi Yamazaki and has a sense of camaraderie" !!


Please contact my staff Ban

I'm really into this now. Black Mirror

I wanna watch it! !!!


■ Dreams that are clear on 

what you must do daily, come true 

┌1)Sketchy goals 

         are the same as not setting any

How are you spending your new years? 

It's a great time for setting 2020 goals. 

Today I will introduce a certain experiment 
that is good reference. 

In 1981, Canadian psychologist 
Albert Bandura did the following research.

He collected 40 children aged 7-10 

who were really not good at mathematics. 

And he had them all complete a 42-paged workbook, 
in 7 separate times.  

He separated the children into 3 groups, 

and gave them the following instructions.

Group A

"Please complete a minimum of 6 pages per time" 

Group B

"Complete all 42 page
s by the end of the 7th experiment." 

Group C

"There is no specific goal, but please answer as many questions as you can." 

The results were interesting. 

┌2)Dreams that come true that are clear on 

 what must be done daily.

After the 7 times, 
the percentage of those who completed the whole workbook was as below. 


Group A


Group B


Group C



How did you answer? 

This results of this experiment teach us about 
how to set goals that can be achieved. 

See especially the results of  B and C.

Sketchy unclear goal setting, 

ends up being more or less the same 
as setting no goal at all. 

What is important, as group A did, 

is whether the "daily subgoals" are clearly set as well. 

Goals with clear daily to-dos are what come true. 

Thank you for reading today too!

Reference for today's post as taken with gratitude from below. 

Newton 2020.1
P.120,121 Newton Press
"Practical Psychology that will help you, No.1
 Motivation Psychology"