Monday, January 13, 2020

Plain hot water is supposed to be good for the body!! How do you make it and drink it? And here's a favor to ask of you.

I tried making plain hot water

Improves coldness and poor circulation 

Relieves stiff shoulder・low back pain

Relieves constipation・detox

Effective for dieting

Effective for beautiful skin

Alleviates hay fever symptoms 


How do you make it?How to drink it?

The right way to take 【Plain hot water】

(1)Put water in a pot or kettle, put a top on and turn up the fire.
(2)Once it boils, take off the top and let it continue to boil
(3)Let it boil 10~15 minutes and its complete
Drink it after letting it cool to about 50 degrees.
Reboiling it is not good. 
The amount to drink is 700~800ml a day美容・ケア/31513-【白湯】の基本の作り方&飲み方をおさらい%E3%80%82おすすめの白湯アレンジもチェック♪

Increases your internal temperature about 1 degree and increases your immune system about 30%!!!
and here is a favor to ask of you!!!
 I'd like to request if its possible in each area,  to prepare this "sayu (plain hot water) at the seminar venues. 

Our family is・・・


nagune radio January 11th 
Hiroshi Morinaga Diamond Laugh Hour, No 2

Fukushima Select

↓↓ ↓↓  ↓↓

【How to get the unseen power on your side】(excerpt from page 26)

"Aren't there tines when you feel, 
no matter what you do, the timing is bad, 
or just doesn't fit together right or is just "off" somehow....

In those cases, it's not that the readily is bad, but your heart
the heart that is manifesting your reality is 
broken or down." 

Why I chose this↓↓

It's strange how often when timing is off or when things don't go well, 
it happens consecutively. 

I've experienced this many times. 

However, when reflecting, 
I realized that even when "its the same reality that is happening" 
there are times when I see it as a bad thing, and other times when
 I figure, "sometimes these things happen"and see it positively. 

In other words its not what's happening that is bad or good, but that you heart that is reflecting the reality was disturbed. 

These past couple of months, my heart has been in a disturbed state. 

For example, 
Work not going well. 
Unexpected trouble coming up. 
Not getting the results I expected. 

At times like this, 

I had the question of "did I care about these things so much in the past?" 

This phrase in the book gave me the answer I was looking for. 

Placing importance on your own state of mind and heart, 
and making a habit to see "a bright reality". 

By grasping this secret, I can see a entirely different future. This phrase gave me the hint I needed to realize this‼️

Let's learn from Toshitaka Mochizuki's mail magazine !


■  The secret of why we are drawn to "secrets" 

┌1)Is there value in "secrecy" !?

Mark Travers and his research team from Colorado university
announced the followed research results in 2013.

They had 50 university students read a certain memo.

The memo was  a document written by a member
of the national security council in 1978 regarding
the sale of F-5 fighter planes to Taiwan.

The research team told the students that
this one memo was the deciding factor
in the negotiation, and asked the students
to rate the councils actions in 11 steps.

Here, a certain gimmick shows up.

The students were divided into two groups,
and they were given different information
about the memo.


Group A

"This memo itself is a document that has
 always been available to the public."

Group B

"In fact, this memo was stored in secret among the council,
but was a top secret document, and was only recently made
available through the information disclosure law "


Of course, it's not that after having been told that,
that the content of the document they saw changed.

However, the results were unexpected

┌2) The secret of why we are drawn to "secrets" 

The results of this experiment,

The action rating of Group A,
who were told that the memo
was a public document, was an
average of 【6.86】

The action ratio of Group B
who were told that it was a
secret document rated on
average 【8.2】

We will repeat here that the information
they had available to make the judgement
was exactly the same.

However, group B rated this document
as having higher value.

And based on this, commented on the actions
of the security council as being

It's interesting isn't it.


"This was a secret" 


Just this one word, changed human evaluation

Humans from experience 
believe that when information is handled with 
"secrecy" that that information is【important】
【accurate】and that it 【can be trusted】

Regardless of the value of the content itself.

The research team named this tendency of ours
"secrecy heuristic"

At the same time, this tendency can also be
a wonderful thing.

Wanting to solve a mystery 
This explorative, inquisitive, curiosity
has undoubtedly expanded your life.

Next time you meet with the label "secret"
try taking a deep breath first.

And if you are still curious and
it still compels you,
then dive in.

It will likely change the direction of your life
for the better.

Thank you for reading.

Today' episodes were referenced with gratitude from the books below.

"Power of Secret: How to effectively use secrets"

2019 Sunmark publications

Author Thorsten Havener
Translator Satomi Shibata


■February 2nd (Sunday) Takumi Yamazaki x Akio Hiramoto Collaboration seminar "Let's learn psychology!" @ Tokyo


Counseling, coaching・・・
The era is changing in a big way from motivation to being driven. 

It's becoming increasingly important to live freely and true to yourself, while evolving from the inside and placing value on individuals' feelings. 

These two specialists will teach us about psychology, 
so that we can have a brighter, more exciting future in 2020!! 

Lecturer/Speaker/Mental Coach
Akio Hiramoto, founder of Hiramoto-style communication 
Takumi Yamazaki, Dream Producer of "Amazing things happen unconsciously" 

As as a special new year event☆

Akio Hiramoto will gather applicants from the crowd and do public coaching, on the spot! 

It's a chance for you to receiving the coaching that managers of listed companies, top athletes, actors and best seller authors are receiving. 

It will undoubtedly be a fun and fulfilling time
and a priceless time for learning. 
By learning about the world you can't see, 
please use it to let your future sparkle!! 
