Saturday, January 18, 2020

Not being attached to the results (or expecting). Enjoy the synchronicities. Savor and experience it.

1)Act according to what excites you 
     "I want to try 〇〇" 
     Be close to and listen to those emotions. 

2)Give your best 
  Accept synchronicities 
  Be guided by what's meant to be 
  Know that everything happens in perfect timing 
      Immerse yourself fully! 

3)Don't get attached to (or expect) the results 
  Getting attached narrows down your opportunities! 
      It gives you narrow vision 
      Your higher mind will do it for you! 
      Enjoy what's happening now. Savor and experience it. 


Morimichi Takagi passed away 

Did you know that there is a surprising wine that makes use of the rare talent of disabled people?!

Coco ・Farm

 In the 1950s, a group of students, who had been categorized as underachievers in the classroom, and their teacher cleared the slopes of the mountains and planted around 600 vines. In 1969, COCOROMI GAKUEN was founded as a residential facility for intellectually handicapped people. In 1984, COCO produced its first batch of wine in a tiny grape cottage located at the foot of the mountain. In 1989, COCOROMI GAKUEN students went to California and planted additional vines. Currently there are about 150 people who are involved in COCO’s wine making, supported by wine makers in Japan and around the world.


The International Athletic Federation banned the use of the new popular Nike "thick-soled shoes" for sports…What will  be the impact on the imminent Tokyo Olympics. 


All shoe manufacturers are developing gear equipped with 
good functions for smooth competition. 

Banned because its too good?!
Is that even allowed?!


Banned as its too fast?
The thick-soled shoes are created an uproar.
Today's moving Tokyo GAS CM!!!


Let's learn from Toshitaka Mochizuki's mail magazine! 


■  Things go well for those who can put "I" in the subject 

Kunitake Saso who has been involved in the branding of 
long-established seaweed and tea manufacturer "Yamamoto San" 
and stationery company "Pentel" among others, through much experience of opportunities and on-site innovation made a discovery that

It's possible more or less to tell the difference 
between a project that will go well 
and a project that won't
by the use of words of the people involved. 
What are those words・・・


When many of the project leaders or members use 

「【I】want to do such and such ××
because ◯◯" and use I in the 
【first person】the project will likely succeed. 

On the other hand ・・・

Projects where people are saying "Will do ×× because its the【departments】mission" will struggle immensely. 


All new things only begin by one person. 

That one persons passion of wanting to do it, 
no matter what, is the starting point for everything. 

That first step is, 
declaring "I" 
without mystifying the subject. 

How about making "I" the subject in 2020? 

Thank you for reading. 
Reference for today's episode was taken from the below books with gratitude. 


2019 Nikkei BP marketing  
Author Kunitake Saso

As a continuation of last time 
here is an excerpt from ”Tips for Attentiveness"

a phrase that spoke to the "me that was overly conscious about conveying." 

From being a human speaker that just says what it wants to one-sidedly 
to a listening human that the other person wants to talk to. 

In this book, ”Tips for Attentiveness", I also found a tip to self-expression called "assertion" that values both yourself and the other person. 


Tips for Attentiveness】(excerpted from page 81: Tip to collect information) 

"Think about how you are when conversing. 

When the other person is talking,  do you give unconscious responses, 
like, "hmmm" "I see" 

Or do you space out and think about "what to talk about next" 

If you do that, you won't be able to draw out interesting information, 
and neither will the other person really want to listen to what you have to say."  

Why I chose this ↓

”When you're talking, your eyes sparkle and glow, 

 but when listening to others, the glow and power disappear completely." 

As I was so concerned about conveying things, I felt this applied to me perfectly. 

What do your eyes look like as you're listening to others? 
What kind of responses are you giving? l

If you're responding like, 
"Oh, yes yes"
"I know that." 

the other person will think 

"Talking to this person is no fun・・・" 

I could recall many times when I was busy or thinking about something else, 
and I'd just nod "yes, yes" without even looking into the other person's eyes. 

"Respond with eyes full of curiosity and interest" 

Do this, and you can update yourself from "someone who is no fun to talk to" to "someone who is fun to talk to, who they want to talk to." 

I hope to take the first step to make the change to that new me.