Thursday, December 12, 2019

The popular guys are the "kind guys" in the long run.

Black psychology that dominates others! 
Mentalist DaiGo is too good!【Rafael】

If you choose to marry by looks or by money, the divorce rate is much higher. 
The attractiveness of those things only last up to 3 months. 
Popular guys are "kind people". (the almighty skill)

If you want to be liked short term,
it'll work if you make the appeal of being  " a person who is in a different world from you."!!!

How to be chosen at a mixer →Give a certain option
Behavior Economics (Dan Ariely)
Just an online magazine 59 dollars 
Online and set with magazine 125 dollarsネ
70% would choose just the online version because its cheaper 
But if you add, just the magazine 125 dollars, 
then everyone started choosing the online and magazine set option. 
People have a desire to not lose out. 
Have 4 different types of people! 
But if you add one person who is similar to you, but slightly inferior in some way, 
then people don't want to lose out, so they are more likely to choose you. 

How to make it easier to get a next appointment!
Profile list・・・
When it says "don't know if they like you or not" 
girls become more interested in that person. 

=suggestive  Simple contact effect 
If you meet a person a lot of times in a short amount of time, you're more likely to start liking them. 
Don't talk only to the girl you're interested in. 
Talk to others too. 
Evolution psychology 
Humans have evolved to leave children on the planet!
Women do their nails etc to check 
whether the other person is looking at and noticing details?!
The next day, it's a good idea to appeal that you "remember the details" 
(good to write it down) 
Scientific talk that never slips・・・
When you talk about something new, you usually slip. 
So it's good to talk about something the other person knows about. 
That's often about the person themselves. 
That's why it's a good idea to pick up key points within the conversation and write them down. 
Let's learn from Mochizuki-san's mail magazine・・・

■ ”Enough space/leeway" actually speeds things up

┌1)Unbelievable solution to improve 
       an always full emergency hospital 

In 2002, Missouri state emergency hospital 
St. John's complicity medical center was facing a huge crisis. 

There were only 32 operating rooms, and a need to 
perform 30,000 surgery per year. 

It was a bad cycle of continually trying to keep up with delays. 
The advisor who was called in 
after surveying the actual situation, 
gave the following advice. 


"Please leave one of the operating rooms available, unused." 


The staff were shocked 

"You've got to be joking" 

However the advisor had a winning plan. 

┌2)”Enough space/leeway" actually speeds things up

The core of the problem was "handling unscheduled patients." 

The idea was to make margins 
especially for this problem that could not be avoided. 

One month into the trial period, 
the hospital had dramatic results. 

The surgery they were able to accept went up 5.1%, 
and the surgery's that happened after 3 pm, decreased by 45%, and the working environment had also improved. 

After actual adoption of this strategy, the number of surgeries went up 7-11% per year, increasing profits greatly. 

When there's lots to do, 
people tend to want to
cram everything in. 

But the point is to purposely 
give yourself some slack. 

Doing that helps to balance out the total 
and increase speed and efficiency. 
Allowing "enough space/leeway" is what actually speeds things up. 

Thank you for reading 
Enough space huh〜
The answer is extra margin.

Today was the last full moon of Reiwa

The cold moon

We had our breakfast this morning at Burj Al Arab!


And then・・


And then on to Abu Dhabi!!

I highly recommend Louvre!
It was awesome. 
If you go around slowly, even one day isn't enough〜

The world's oldest pearl. 8000 years old. 

It's a dragon!Will it change into a giraffe?!

To Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque!!!

It was incredible〜!

For those who want to spice up their life and make it fun!・・・


Takumi Yamazaki's coaching note 〈can write directly in it〉