Friday, June 3, 2016

Hear properly the-story to admit the "human relations is simple" - ill not say, different values

Return from Nagoya
East Ryu after tea in Shibuya.
Nami from Melbourne.

Now in Australia
September 14, from Melbourne.
September 15, 16 days is scheduled for Sydney.
 (July Australia is now postponed)


Ayana make and Supplyment by Yagi kun・・・
I want you to discipline!!!

Mr. Junya Yamada lecture, was the best.

1976 Gunma Prefecture 
Learn the theater foundation in theater collective circle Institute.
1996 participate in the multinational art performance group 66b / cell, learn the physical expression methods centered on the ball.
Went oversea to learn dance since 1998 (New York), to work around the theater.
Participation to fashion event Produce company DRUMCAN inc. Since 2004, live performance, to work at the center of planning produced. 2014 independence after David J.Production Co., established Ltd.

Yamada story,
... What I moved on mind was

"Human relationships are simple."
• Do not spurned
Admit, different values
Listening, talking a decent

Events at the time of 50-year-old,
 asked to produce his.

His world view made ...


Stage is more in August 8.
I want to work following the "THE SAKE" five-star acquisition Edinburgh Fringe in 2014.
Cheer thank you.

WEB / http: //

■ work goods name I n f I n I t y 

Accepted some. The possibility of infinite to the world.

Part One "Kyogen"
The second part, "Japan Dance"
The third part, "Taiko"

Toward the 2 0 2 0 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic,
Day young condensing Yui tradition-Township earth performing arts to the new one advance care sharpness of this.
Evening of the summer, the new wind blow to the tradition.

■ Yamada Shinya

■ higher open Organizer August 8, 2016 (Mon) 19:30 curtain / 18:30 doors open
■ Venue Maihama Amphitheatre

■ planning, production David J. Production Co., Ltd.
■ out Starring
Okura Hajime Makoto Kyogen

Hanayagi Kinshin Japanese dancer

Soyama flow Phalaenopsis Japan dancer Soyama flow Iemoto

Yamabe Taishi taiko
Sachi Asano Tsugaru shamisen

Ishigaki Seiyama shakuhachi

Yoshii Seigo whistle, fiddle

Tamaura Makoto Tokyo City Ballet
Ryo Wakatsuki
Soyamaryu pupil
Tokyo City Ballet Members
Kurashiki Tenryou drum
Aki-Ra Sunrise

Donations that he supports!

「Yoshiakisanwo sukuukai」chairman Junya Yamada

Everyone excited!

Each people got treasure and went home!

Thank you!

from many places・・・

Thank you for all the guests.


Lecture with friends Pasona!
It was women's limited, please try searching the participants who wish! ! !

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Takumi Yamazaki Book, English ver.

Able to download if you click this site.