Friday, March 18, 2016

I told 10 methods~ ♪ 1) story related to life 2) encounter 3) no risk in the management to learn 7) product is amazing 5) the company is changing the amazing 6) self-image) goal, a dream there is life 8) 9 are involved in the person's life) journey is marked with 10) This is of you

Lunch with Mizuno san!!!

Thank you!


Store here・・・

I am thinking to make BBQ tenugui~♪

How about Japan tenugui~?!

Ramen with Namiuchi. lol

near station!!!
Ichiryuan, Sapporo

I wanna this~!lol

Sapporo meeting・・・

I told 10 mosquito conditions ~ ♪

Story related to 1) life
2) meeting with people
3) no risk to learn management
4) great product
5) is great company
6) is to change the self-image
7) there is a dream life goal
8) You can involve in the person's life
9) the journey is attached
10) This is your life

Moving to Kumaya in June~

meet soon again!

meet at hotel~!

won by jyanken・・・

Lucky Ayana!!!
Thank you!

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Books of Takumi Yamazaki, English ver.

Able to download if you click this site.