Thursday, March 2, 2023

"My Little Self, Good-bye My Little Self!" Campaign Announcement!


"Goodbye, My Little Self"


This book is for cleansing your spirit!


To increase your good luck

and say good by to ill will and bad luck


For those who purchase100 books

I will hold a zoom seminar just for your friends.

We will leave the price of the seminar tickets, etc. to you.

[Limited to 10 people]→Two people have already received tickets!


For those who purchase10 books

I will host a group consultation. 

In a group consultation with many people in it

we won't be able to talk much so I'll think of a way to 

be able to talk with a smaller number of people. 


For the 10/100 book campaign

↓↓↓Please mail here↓↓↓

*Please write "10/100 book campaign" in the subject


My birthday is on April 9th


So I will host a campaign on Amazon 

of "Say Thank you to Someone. Tiny Thank you campaign" 

on April 9th〜〜〜


If you bought something on Amazon

I will create a form and ask you to fill it out there.

We will let you know again in April.


For those of you who bought on Amazon before then.

Which page touched your heart?

I'd love for you to write a review and send me a screen shot. 


I will let you know about the form again.

The book will arrive after April 1.

The earliest you can get it would be from the biok stores 

from March 28th. 


You can purchase it at TSUTAYA in Shibuya or Kinokuniya in Umeda 

Please check it out!



Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s