April 9 (Sun)
17:30 start (opens at 17:00)
20:00 end
※You are welcome to stay and enjoy the party.
Let's stay〜!
More than the number of followers and likes
what's important is the HEART!!!!
Only 5 likes.
There are even 5!
How you feel about that will always be conveyed
Right now, information is overflowing!
The only value is in the experience!
That was a great seminar!
We learned about both canva and capcut all at once in 5 hours!
This is a must-attend!
I want you all to attend this seminar!
And I want you to become a person who can get your message out!
We will soon be holding an open call for archived viewing!
Please become a transmitter〜
Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s