Sunday, February 12, 2023

Not too serious, not too intense, not too stubborn, not too strong, not overly involved.



The era of googling coming to an end? 

Google released a Code Red. 

An emergency alert has been issued.



Reached 100 million in 2 months!!!!


You ask a question 

and get an answer! 

 (It became usable)



for FREE!!!!

Right now they are massively in the red, 

However, it currently has a 

3.8 trillion market value! 



Microsoft strikes back --1 Trillion yen investment 

Largest investment ever


Research yourself=Google Sensei


Teacher that will teach you anything



Time will come when mankind will stop searching



Google released BARD!!!




It all is from our "relationship with the mother". 


It's similar to what Michael Beckwith says about 


To let go!



 ↓↓↓Please do the exercises ↓↓You can watch the zoom here too↓↓↓



Spain Village in Shima had a reputation for having "hardly any people."

did a VTuber collaboration which drew huge crowds 

"Is this really Spanish Village?"

"I've never seen it this crowded" (Neravo)



This song






The correct defintion of "self-esteem"


Self-esteem is a word I've been hearing here and there lately.

It seems some people seem to think that "to gain arrogant self-confidence = to increase self-esteem".

However, the original definition of self-esteem is believing that

"I am valuable just by being alive."

It is not about adding value to your existence.

You don't have to get good results at work.

You don't have to spend a lot of money to improve your appearance.

You don't have to spend money to get a good looking guy.

Self-esteem is to find absolute value in oneself, saying, "It's okay to live," even if there is no social value or relative value.

In this sense, a healthy state of self-affirmation is one in which there is no self-negativity.

Say you have a deep-seated sense of self-denial

Many people think that if they add social value or relative value to themselves, their self-negativity will disappear.

However, self-negativity does not disappear even if you acquire self-confidence.

You will merely develop arrogant self-confidence while still harboring a sense of self-hatred. 

When people have both  low self-esteem as well as arrogant self-confidence, 

these people become aggressive and self-righteous

Because of their low self-esteem, they put down others, 

while their arrogant self-confidence is unshakable.

They become a very annoying, harmful and very troublesome person!

There's probably one person like this in every community who is a nuisance.

They are the monsters who have combined low self-esteem with arrogant self-confidence.

To avoid this, what is really important is to digest the self-doubt, 

not to try to add value to yourself.

You don't need to work hard to digest low self-esteem. 

Rather, you need to have a mindset of "forgiving yourself," which is the opposite of effort.

The more serious and honest you are, the weaker you are in this "self-forgiveness" mindset.

They are unable to forgive themselves for their shortcomings and inadequacies

and tend to develop a sense of low self-esteem. 

Because "your personality" lies in your shortcomings and inadequacies, 

denying them is tantamount to denying your own personality.

Denying them is the same as denying who you are.

That's why you hate yourself.

Please try to forgive (love) your faults and imperfections.

By doing so, your low self-esteem will be digested

And you will have a true sense of self-esteem and respect. 



It's not necessarily the case that someone who is confident

also has high self-esteem. 

It's a person who can affirms himself, 

including their weak points, 

who has high self-esteem. 




The Law of "Oh well" that makes love last longer.

恋愛が長続きする『まあいっか』の法則 : DJあおいのお手をはいしゃく Powered by ライブドアブログめんどくさい女子関係からイチ抜けする本: 心をすり減らさない50のコツ (王様文庫) 絶賛発売中! DJあおいLINE公式アカウント 友達に追加してやってください  こんばんはDJあおいです 読者さんからこんな相談をいただきましたよ お悩み あリンク


Not too serious, 

not too intense, 

not too stubborn, 

not too strong, 

not overly involved.




This can be said for work too〜





Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s