Thursday, January 19, 2023

Rich time in Okinawa. The ultimate power spot!? "Thank you, God."


This clouds like a phoenix are beautiful

I received this from a friend〜〜〜

Gonna be cold from today?!

                                               I'm going to Okinawa tomorrow〜


↓↓↓It's cold here too〜〜

MIKI-san, thank you for bringing the Okinawa soba!

We went to TRUE BLUE@Kouri island

UPCYCLE to get rid of plastics in the ocean! ☆゜:*:・゜

TRUE BLUEONE LOVE, ONE OCEAN. 「TRUE BLUE」は、沖縄の工房を拠点に、海で回収した海洋プラスチックを素材にしたアート作品、生活雑貨等を制作・販売しているアップサイクルブランドです。 世界中の人たちが、海を愛する気持ちで繋がっていくために、イベント、ワークショップ、旅の企画をしたり、利益(全額)が海を守る活動に寄付されるチャリティーワインの…リンク


There is something you can do too〜

Thank you everyone who joined us

Official open is in February!!!

The ultimate power spot!!!


Thank you! 

Origins of Okinawa〜!

Thank you, MIKI-san! 

Today we will have Tedakosoba. 

We met up past noon



From Mr. Mochizuki's newsletter・・・


Life is a present from the Universe


John Lennon, is said to have said "Thank you God"

when the inspiration for the poem was born.


Edison also said

"God must have invented it through my hands."


Perhaps there is nothing that is not a gift from the universe and from God.


If we could reach such a state of being

I am sure that every day will be happier and happier.


Click here for more ....




In our daily lives, we experience sadness and anger. Even experiences that we think we have "forgotten" or "recovered from", not to mention frustration and anxiety, are stored in our bodies in the form of negative energy.





Eckhart Tolle, a world-renowned spiritual leader, called it the "pain body."




Pain Body


= our past sorrows, fears, and emotional pain stored in our whole body.

その不幸は、体に積もった心の傷のせい? 古い痛みを感じて「ペインボディ」を治す方法。 | マキワリ日記_ハイヤーセルフで在る生活するなかで、私たちが経験する悲しみや怒り。イライラや不安はもちろん、「すっかり忘れた」「もう立ち直った」と思う体験でも、それはネガティブなエネルギーという形で体に記憶されます。さらには私たち人間のDNAに記憶された集合的な痛みも共有されているのだとか。世界的なスピリチュアル指導者エックハルト・トールは、それを「ペインボディ」と呼びました。体に記憶される感…リンク



She's back!


Hitomi Niiya, gets 2nd place in Japan's all-time record of 2 hours 19 minutes and 24 seconds. 

Houston Marathon (Sports Hochi) 

新谷仁美、2時間19分24秒の日本歴代2位で優勝 日本記録は12秒届かず…ヒューストンマラソン(スポーツ報知) 陸上女子1万メートル日本記録保持者の新谷仁美(34)=積水化学=が15日、ヒューストン・マラソン(米国)で2時間19分24秒(速報値)の日本歴代2位の記録をマークし優勝した。野口リンク

Hitomi Niiya (February 26, 1988) is a Japanese female track and field athlete (long distance running) and the Japanese record holder in the 10,000 meter race and half marathon. Her nickname is "Niyan".

She retired from competitive life once in 2014, but made a come back again in 2018. Despite this major break in her athletic career, she continues to be one of Japan's top-ranked track and field athletes as of 2023, having won top prizes in both domestic and international competitions since her return to active competition. Born in Okayama Prefecture.



Mr. Katori's book!

Publishing celebration event  on Feb 23rd






Thank you for doing Timewaver!



Re-establish my  image/vision on a sul level 


Change my setting of "If I achieve that, it will be 00."




Business that values people


Example: Rokkatei



Strengthening your heart and mind


Find just one more person today who will think

 "I'm glad I'm in this business" !






Do the work.

Go on a trip.


That's what it said. 

So everyone's having fun in Nakatsu〜


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s