Chapter 2 of "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle read aloud.
Suffering is created by thoughts.
How much do you think you are
one with your thoughts?
Time is necessary
for thoughts to happen.
Thoughts are
afraid of the "here and now"
Be present in this very moment
Say YES and embrace this moment
Instead of living in time
Live here!!!
This moment
As it is
Accept it as it is
Do not make an enemy of this moment
7 minutes 19 seconds
Emotional Pain=Past Experiences
Pain Body
Illness and accidents are
created by the pain body
It creates the drama of relationships
Make sure that you don't become one with your pain body!
(If you are unconscious, you become one with your pain body.)
Pain needs food.
You can't eat pleasure.
We have a habit of thinking that the pain body is our true self
It hates to look be looked at directly
Pain is an illusion
When pain is resolved
your consciousness advances to a new level.
Everything that is illuminated by the light
turns into light
Observe the pain body
without analyzing
Ego wants to be one
with the pain body!
Believing that
Your thoughts = Self
This is how the ego has survived
What are you trying to protect?!
【How to solve your issue】
Causes of similar problems that occur repeatedly|Open Session
This book is good〜〜〜
↓↓↓Understanding the now↓↓↓

(1) How fast do we do it? →How much we delegate it?!
Why not delegate to others?
Rely on others
Our ability to delegate is being questioned!
Let your subordinates have experience
You can't invest in your past experience
If you do it yourself, it's not an investment of any kind
2) Be a cool person rather than a nice person
Be a person who is always curious to learn and grow
A fulfilling job A fulfilling personal life
3) Create a place where there is hope
Are you interviewing people well?!
Are you talking about the future?!
4) Self-determination to motivate subordinates
Lead them to want to do things on their own
Don't answer questions right away
Stick to the form that the subordinate decided on his/her own!
Tackman model
↓↓↓ 4 steps
・Teams meet → Discuss
・Confusion phase → Conversation to get to know each other e.g., hobbies
・Unification phase →convincing is important
・Functioning phase → Blessing
5) A leader who can "decide" quickly
Set the issues
Make choices and decisions
We will hold a "dissemination seminar"
Become someone who can influence someone through your messages!
Participation fee is 1,000 yen!
Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s