Sunday, August 14, 2022

It's all about "the balance between effort and giving up," "from information exchange to value exchange," and "the difference in vibrational frequency"

From Mr. Noguchi's mail magazine about the Law of the Mirrors・・・




In Bertrand Russell's book "The Theory of Happiness"

he says, 


"The balance between effort and giving up is important."🍀



Striving for a goal is important, but


 if we become too attached to the goal

we can lose sight of the whole, and

and you may end up being farther away from happiness. 😣

In such a case, 

one must also have the courage to give up. 🥺💭.


By giving up something, 

you are enabled able to put your energies into something else. 🌱☀️


Although we are willing to put in the effort to achieve our goals

There are times and situations when

it's also important to give up gracefully.


I would like to cultivate such a sense of balance.


See you soon! 👋



"It's all about striking the right balance between  effort and giving up."






The more things you are interested in, 

the more chances you have to become increasingly happy.


Seeking excessive stimulation is also a bad idea. If one seeks stimulation, one will want stronger stimulation. This leads to pepper addiction.


To avoid this pepper addiction, it is important to have a balanced mindset.


They say that no matter how fulfilling one's work is, a person without hobbies is unhappy.

『幸福論』のラッセルが力説する「実は不幸な思考法」プラトン、ニーチェ、ショーペンハウアーetc.名前を聞いただけで、頭痛が起きそうな大物哲学者たち。でも、哲学は今や働く女性の必須教養です。古今東西の哲学者が人生をかけて導き出した哲学を応用すれば、思考のショートカットになり、生きやすくなること間違いなし! では、ARIA世代の悩みを大物哲学者に相談するとどうなる? 山口大学教授の小川仁志さんが、歴史上の哲学者…リンク



One issue that requires adherence to moderation concerns maintaining a balance between striving and giving up.


Happiness is not something that falls into your mouth without effort, like a ripe fruit, except in very rare cases. That is why I have titled this book The Conquest of Happiness (1930), with the implication that one acquires happiness through effort.


However (a wise man) would not waste his time and emotions on misfortunes that cannot be avoided. Nor will he willingly accept avoidable misfortunes when the time and effort required to avoid them would interfere with the pursuit of more important goals. ...

 ... What is needed is an attitude of doing one's best but leaving the outcome to fate. There are two kinds of resignation. One is rooted in despair, and the other is rooted in hope, which cannot be subdued in any way.






This video will increase your motivation〜〜〜




Ten years ago・・・

What would you do if you met someone who said, 

I don't need social media

I don't need a smartphone...?


【Web 3.0 and DAO① 】We are in trouble if we miss the biggest revolution since the Internet! The Dawn of the Post-GAFAM Era



We spend more time in the virtual world! 


With Web 2.0.

it brought democratization of transmission



Devices will change

What is the essence of human nature?!




From information exchange to the age of value exchange!


Birth of the Corporation (Age of Discovery)

Instead of sharing the risk of the ship sinking, 

profits are also shared.


↓↓↓The age of DAO has arrived!


The age of DAO has arrived!

A corporation that appeared on the Metaverse

Liberation from the Centralized System



How far can we go with this?


An era where the state and big businesses are no longer needed!


Breaking free from the era of smartphones (GAFAM)


【Web3.0 and DAO②】 A thorough explanation of the structure and issues of the next generation DAO Corporation! 【Atsuhiko Nakata Clipping】



Wanting to do something




Distribute own tokens


When there is a profit

dividends are shared! 


Corporation on the Web


Petit Corporation

An unlimited number can be created! 


Example: Artists

This becomes possible! 



Everyone can open a store right away!


Democratization of business = Mercari

Democratization of Corporations is DAO!


The problem is...


Possibility of being hacked


There is a manager and no employees →all robots

No managers but there are workers = DAO (all investors) Self-sustaining decentralized organization

No workers and no management ↓↓↓↓

This creates the possibility of startup that run completely on its own.


Also of hacking and fraud!


All the track and field guys got together today!

To Matsusaka High School! lol 

Track and field is still giving it their best! 

To Mr. Nakamura's lodging〜〜〜

Yakiniku was fun〜〜〜

People joined from zoom too!



With Jun Jun!!!



Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s