This IG live had a great response,
and it was easy to understand the definition of words.
Mr. Noguchi's talk
really helped me, and
truly helped to deepen my learning.
↓↓↓I received this from a friend of mine.↓↓↓I
People who get nervous,
create tense situations.
Couples who fight...
Ask them, "How many times a month do you fight? !"
If they answer, "About twice a month," I ask them to do it five times a month.
and if you create that situation, they will stop fighting.
A certain sense of being myself...
A sense of certainty...
The person I am when I can't do my best
Even when things don't go well.
...whatever the situation...
I accept myself
No matter what the situation
Having undistorted self-esteem
I state of knowing "This is who I am."
This is the self-affirmation of people who are happy on the long-term.
I'm great because I'm 〇〇 or have 〇〇.
Some people affirm themselves with conditions.
Many people think this is self-affirmation
They praise
Then BEING becomes anxious
But then,
when they become worried about what others think of them
Aren't able to give their best,
or fail to produce results
they are unable to forgive themselves for who they are.
People who are honest about their feelings = strong people
Self-acceptance = accepting your BEING
In your mind
there is a "self that observes" and a "self that is observed"
I'm sad〜
You are sad, aren't you?
Make sure you don't say, "don't cry forever"
= In many cases, the parent's response is copied and pasted
(experiences of emotional abandonment)
Let things be as they are (BEING)
Acceptance as it is.
The world has
so much positive harassment!
Positive harassment!
What is important is
Negative capability
= Become aware of your state of mind
Regardless of whether it is good or bad
Observe what you are feeling
Observation meditation
Putting sati in
Irritation is a secondary emotion
The real emotion lies behind it
The distance from your anger
is the same as the distance from other people's anger
We must "quietly savor" the emotion...
We often try to change it,
before accepting it.
If you feel it enough, it will quiet down.
It is important to accept and feel
Feel and accept that the feeling is part of you!
Try to appreciate yourself!
Take time on Self-affirmation
It takes time, but
what's built up won't fall apart!
You're thinking 〇〇, aren't you?
That's right
That's fine~
Being proud = damaged self-esteem.
Negative love is positive
Because you can love the negative too.
That's what positivity is!
Successful people...
They lean on HAVING.
they are more handicapped than normal people.
When they start becoming famous,
their BEING aspect weakens,
HAVING is an uplifting world, and they can get hooked.
From a certain wonderful woman・・・
I was the organizer of a class reunion a certain womens college.
Some of us hadn't seen each other in 50 years.
I thought it was a bad idea to get together at this time of the year.
But, everyone requested it...
turned into
Today we had SOMI-san's 60th year old party!