Wednesday, April 13, 2022

"What's best for your gut" →Chew your first mouthful of food 30 times. "Sleep/chew"→ Both were a matter of time


Today we talked about activities for "gut health" from morning




Gut health activities・・・I asked what to do and the reply was 


『chew well!』!?


It's really okay 

chew 30 times.


Write it on a piece of paper, and write it on the table 

to make it a habit for 21 days 

Write down "chew well". 


Some people end up losing 4 kgs in 21 days. 


I've been doing 『half day fasting』

chewing well puts less stress on the intestines. 

Our intestines are tired. 

By the time you feel tired,  you are already extremely tired. 

Chew the first bite well.

This will help your intestines to be prepared and ready. 

For things for gut health are・・・


Skip breakfast

Cut wheat temporarily. 


And so on.

I often think angry people 

have a disturbed intestinal environment (lol) 

The advice I received from YUI yesterday was 

to "get a good nights sleep" 

and today was to "chew well." 

Both was painful advice lol 

The common denominator for both was "time." 

So I took off the light bulb

I changed my beliefs about time・・・

I changed my black and dusty light bulb 

for a brand new light bulb! (lol) 


↓↓↓How to rewrite your beliefs↓↓↓





↓↓↓Benefits of this↓↓↓

Brain function is activated

Facial expression changes (muscles/teeth)

Better digestion and absorption (satiety → weight loss)


It changes everything in your body!!!



Strategy meeting with YUKI-chan! 

We will change the world!!! 

Why are we doing the business we are doing?!


Consider it's impact on societ


If your ↓↓↓WHY?! is・・・



The smaller it is

the less profit you make because it's 

=for yourself


It doesn't generate empathy. 



The bigger it is, 

the more money you'll make because it's 

=for someone


People can resonate with this 


Desire (dream) + for the public =Aspiration 

  Small -> Large

A monk of the Shingon sect said that 

"Greed" in esoteric Buddhism is not denied.

I was surprised to hear him say this at a museum in Koyasan.


We think that having a big desire (greed) 

is better than a small desire. 


This makes sense. 

When your dreams and desires are small 

it makes it only about you. 

When it's larger, it because about more people and society as a whole. 



Toshio Okada-san is so interesting〜〜〜



Since the Agricultural Revolution


The concept of God/religion has changed.


Plant the seed and you will reap the harvest.


Before that it was about 

How many deer do you think you'll catch? !

Everything was uncertain.


Since the industrial revolution...

Mass production

All one of a kind

This caused aristocracy to disappear. 

Either father makes it or the craftsman does!


Information Society

A revolution so great that everyone will be unemployed

starting delivering orders within 1 hour 


The city is is a place where 

things are readily available.

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

The definition of rural could change.


Roadside land prices

It used to be about 

How big a street are you on?


Land rent used could be determined by that. 


All business could disappear. 

I don't know how long books will last.

I don't have a girlfriend or boyfriend.


I volunteer.


I can do it myself.

They all don't have any money...


I want to do it now so 

I'll do it.


I don't know what will happen in the future

Contribute to many people and gain experience


You are doing something for someone else.

My experiences, my relationships.


Niconico live 

online salons 

There is a danger for people 

who are making money only doing that. 


It could be fine for now, 

but how about a few years down the line?!


Without increasing the scale

Move with your own interests

Minimize the structure, environment and cost.


You can enjoy your life.


I want to work for a big company

... These values should be adjusted 


Skills → Living with diversity

Company people →needs to match properly


The Internet is making various jobs more accessible.






Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s