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Surprising way to overwhelmingly recover from a shitty mental situation
This might be good to listen to before sleeping!
Meditation Station
10 minutes a day will change your life
For five consecutive days, each of the five guests will
share their own meditation experiences and will also give guided meditations!!!
February 28th (Mon) Takumi Yamazaki 23:30~24:00
Takumi Yamazaki's official line is here→
March 1 (Tue) Masahiro Torii 23:30~24:00
Facebook Live
4steppers FB group is here →
March 2nd (Wed) Sophie Saito 6:30~7:00
Facebook Live
Mental Seed FB group is here →
March 3rd (Thu) Yuri Fukuya 23:30~24:00
Instagram Live
March 4 (Fri) Naomi Yasuda 23:30~24:00
Instagram Live
There will be a free seminar on meditation!
This event will be for the first 100 participants!
“Why the busier you are, the more you need to meditate"
Geshe Michael Roach, 90 minute talk about meditation
Geshe Michael Roach ✖️Stanley ✖️Sophie Saito [The Law of MentalSeed].
free zoom live with simultaneous interpretation
Thank you for yesterday!
Notes on what I talked about yesterday!!!
Hokkaido Raratsu Tour!
Thank you so much!
Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s