Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Permanent edition: The 13 Elements of "A Life-Changing Checklist"

 Recognize that this world is a fiction, and enjoy it!

[Takumi Yamazaki's Motivation Switch Channel】


It's similar to talking about dreams.


There are two kinds of dreams.

Dreams that you have while you're sleeping.

Dreams that see knowing that it's a dream.


The self that is being swallowed up by reality.

The self who knows that this world is a fiction (=dream) and enjoys it.


Wake up from the dream and live in a state of awakeness. 

Being cloaked in light.




We'll learn from Takamasa Ikeda's mail magazine! 



■ Permanent edition:Checklist to change your life 

There will be times again and again 

when we make an effort to change our lives. 


Sometimes it's about changing your health, 

sometimes it's about changing your finances, 

sometimes it's about changing your leadership, 

sometimes it's about changing your relationships.

Whatever changes you make,

what is important is 

not transient tension or motivation,

It's about creating a map to guide you.

Even if your map starts as vague or full of holes at first.

it's okay as long as gradually it will become clearer and more concrete.

If you can get a map

on your way to your destination


Then even if you run into a wall

or if you get lost...

you can come back.

Print out the following 13 items

and post them up.

And then

 try to add a little bit of each element.

●Element 1:Clarify your attractive future

Be clear and specific about what you want.

Is it specific enough that even an elementary school student can understand it? 

●Element 2:A strong reason (why) for when you encounter obstacles along the way. 

The strength of your reasons determines 80% of your success. 

Without a reason, everything becomes difficult.

If you have a strong reason, everything becomes easy.

What is your reason?

Is it strong enough to break through the excuses? 

●Element 3:Reveal the current situation with complete honesty. 

A major reason for failure is 

a lack of awareness of the current situation. 


Reveal what is inconvenient for you.

and uncomfortable facts.

What is the current situation with respect to what you are trying to achieve?

How is the current state of affairs?

●Element 4:Gain the success methods of your predecessors 

Find out how others succeeded 

doing what you want to do. 

You may not be able to copy them all.

But if you know

there are things that you can use to your advantage.

●Element 5:Find someone who can advise you.

Someone who has produced a number of successful people.

Find an expert who can give you ideas and axes to follow.

Find the experts. 


They are the ones who know the pitfalls and obstacles 

on the path you're about to take, 

and they can teach you how to avoid and overcome them.


All success is not an accident, but a skill. 
And all skills can be learned. 

First, what skills do you need to get the results you want? 

List them up. 

●Element7:A Routine and Standard Schedule for Success

What habits and routines do you need to achieve your desired results?


And what standards do you need to live by or

 what habits do you need to develop to do so?


what does your schedule need to look like? 

●Element 8: Increasing skills and learning habits 

No matter what your field, 

as you grow, success will be attracted to you. 

How will you develop and grow your skills? 

●Element9:Teams, communities, and close friends that take you to a higher level

You will be the average of the 5 people 

you spend the most time with. 

Put yourself in an environment with people 

who have higher standards than you.


The standards you expect,

the way you speak,

your way of thinking

and behavioral habits will all change.

●Element10:Daily actions and how to measure them

Your success is not based on your actions tomorrow, 

it's based on your actions today. 

Make a conscious decision about what action you will take today, 

and consciously do it.

Also, measure how close you are to your desired future.

●Element 11:Internal and External Conflicts

If your values and goals are in conflict with each other, 

things will not go smoothly.


Also, if you have conflicts with other people on your way to your goal

you will not be able to progress smoothly.

Are their internal conflicts you are having? 

Are there any obstacles or conflicts outside of you? 

If so write them out. 

●Element 12:A pla to overcome conflict

Let's try to come up with some ideas 

on how to overcome internal and external conflicts.

Take everything back to zero.

Rethink the whole thing again.

Revisit your goals, 

to ensure there are less conflicts. 

Review your assumptions and priorities. 

●Element 13:Decide how you will celebrate once you achieve it

Decide on how you will celebrate once you achieve what you want. 

By deciding on a reward ahead of time, 

you will experience the right feelings for your achievement ahead of time. 

Above are the 13 elements.

What kind of life  

is a life that is truly fulfilling for you?

What is that life like? 

What is your current situation in relation to that?

What is the first thing you need to change?

To answer these questions

Try using today's 13 elements.

You will see a change.

I'm sure you can see from these 13 elements, 

that without continuous input, 

you can't create a map in the first place.



Inn the morning I had〜〜







A miracle diet 

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Easy on the mind and heart. 


Apply from her Official LINE 

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Also this is from CHINA!!!




cha Yaoshu



fleur ーflowerー
plante ーplantー
jardin ーgardenー
extérieur -exteriorー

Yaju-tea means "plus" in French.

The people involved are connected and become a plus...

To be a plus to someone...


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s 

