Monday, January 3, 2022

U.S. "Hourly wage is $15 + tips" = 'Total hourly wage is $25' Over 40 hours per week is $50 per hour!

The Bridge~Midnight Salon~ | bayfm78 | 2022/01/02 | 24:30-25:00


I was on Kitakon-san's radio program

which was broadcast yesterday🎙〜♪


I'm looking forward to next week!

1/9 24:30

The archive will be on Radiko!



↓↓↓I'm running a trendy Izakaya in New York ↓↓↓




Please share with your friends in New York〜

My friends are running it!  




The differences between Japan and the USA



United States

Hourly wage is $15 plus tips.

Total hourly wage is about $25.

The minimum wage in New York is 1,700 yen.

Movement to raise labor costs after Corona

Labor shortage


25 USD per hour

1.5 times more if over 40 hours per week

Hourly wage of $40~$50 per hour



10 Life Changing Principles

1) Work up a sweat early in the morning

2) Act as soon as you think of it.

3) Make choices that you don't always make

4) Use social networking sites for output

5) Don't eat junk food.

(6) Emulate the good qualities of others.

7) Always read every day.

8) Don't waste your life on social networking sites.

9) Use only positive words.

10) Don't live someone else's life.


Chinese Apparel

Fast Fashion♪


Is is like zara?!

If you've shopped here, please let me know your thoughts〜♪



Why are the glaciers melting?!

Geothermal heat?!


-28 degrees

Where there are glacial lakes...


Geothermal heat from the mantle?



Today from 10:00.

Seminar for coaches to gather

↓↓↓The content was↓↓↓



Year 2022

Bashar said it will be a year of 


...for open contact. 

That's about right.

It's okay to be crazy.


Since last year


90 %


As we go deeper and deeper

into it, we might wonder

Where am I?


Different chanels(horizontal)


Amazon Prime

Different hierarchies in different metaverses (vertical)




Even as we come back, it could be the metaverse too?


The center of the mantra is simple

Coming back to oneness


This world is an illusion

Whoever enjoys it most wins 









Instead of the things you don't like about yourself, 

how about pointing out 

what you like about others. 

The talent to find negatives

is also a talent for finding the positive.


Also, what to do to 

make your talent blossom at once? 


What makes a man popular?

Being handsome? 

Being attentive 

You can change your future in 5 minutes 

You can do it when you're ready? 

No,  adrenaline only kicks in when you get moving. 


The secret to moving.

Move just a little.


Baby steps.

One push-up.

Send one short message or just a stamp.

Leave one bite

Increase the corner of your mouth by 1 mm

 Please try it 

Leaders are those who 

try hardest? 

are the most skilled? 

or the smartest? 


The one that enjoys themselves the most 

Find what you enjoy most 

Where you get lost in that world 

and get so immersed 


List up 10 things 



Soccer→ "watching" "playing" "disucssing" 

Find your own "driven" in the verb of the word. 


finding where you are off 

to find your center again. 

Being driven, 

over motivation





Human Relationships

Both happiness and worries are here to stay




"Cute way to say it."

I've written about it here.


The point is to increase your trust balance.


I can trust this person.

I can do anything for this person.





Getting paid for how people rate you


Earn through labor


Get paid for the value you give


Earn by trust



Koichi Honda

President of the five companies of Wahei Takeda


'It's not your job to look at the field'


It's your job to make people think

'I'd  give my life for you"

Living with consideration to that 

person's worldview


Someone who is just doing it for fun, because they love it 


I want a coaching client

I want someone to be interested in my services


Online Salon

What I want to keep doing even when it's just you


What is it?


The lotus flower


It's not just for you

The things you've learned are not yours alone.

Please share it 


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s