Thursday, January 20, 2022

The only way to stop procrastinating....




Google CEO←is Indian

Microsoft CEO←is Indian

Adobe CEO←is Indian

IBM CEO←is Indian

Twitter CEO←is Indian (new)


Population will surpass China!


India's GDP to surpass Japan's in 29 years 

インドGDP、29年に日本超え 日経センター中期予測日本経済研究センターはアジア・太平洋地域の15カ国・地域の主要81都市を対象に2035年までの経済成長の見通しをまとめた。現状では日本の半分程度のインドの名目国内総生産(GDP)が29年時点で日本を追い越し、経済規模で日本を上回る世界3位の大国になると予測した。35年のインドGDPは10兆ドル(約1000兆円)規模に達する。インドの高成長のけん引役として期待…リンク



India will make huge leaps forward in the coming years. 


In 15 years,

India will be number 2 in the world!

Japan will be #5 by then? !


In 30 years (when you will be your parents' age)

India will be ranked 2nd in the world

Japan will be 8th?! 


Indonesia will also make great leaps forward.

Nigeria too. 


Now is the Time

to know Japan!


Come on!

What you can do today

Get in touch with your friends overseas: 〜〜〜〜


What does Japan look like to the world?


If you want to know what Japan looks like

Get out of Japan.

If you want to know your family.

Get out of the house.


If you want to know yourself.

Get out of yourself.

To see yourself from the outside!!!!



This will cause facial lines to disappear?!


Wouldn't this be awesome?!

↓↓↓Like this↓↓↓



People who tend to procrastinate have a hard time stopping things partway.

People may have an image of procrastinators having a lazy personality.

But the truth is that many people are serious, and once they get started, they have to go all the way.

Once they start something, they want to do it non-stop until the end.

They don't like to quit partway through. 

Rather than doing 10 minutes of work every day for a month

I'd rather do 300 minutes of work in one day and finish it all at once.

They are the all in, focusing on one point type. 

If they start reading a book, they'll finish it in one sitting.

If they start playing a game, they'll play it until morning.

If they start cleaning, they'll even redecorate.

They can't stop partway, so that makes it harder to start. 

and they put it off until they're fully ready to take that step. 

On the other hand, people with a lax personality have a light trigger for action.

This is because people with a lazy personality are able to drop the work in the middle of it.

Having the ability to stop in the middle of a task

 is actually an important ability that leads to the ability to take action.

How to cure procrastination

Acquire the ability to stop partway

You need to acquire the ability to accumulate little by little every day.

So when should you stop?

The answer is to stop when you feel like you want to do more.

You can't just rush into things when you feel motivated.

The secret is to stop at that point and carry it over to tomorrow.

End the day when you are enjoying it.

If you do this repeatedly, the work will become less painful.

The timing when you feel motivated is the peak of the work

It's when you feel the most joyful.

After that, your motivation will only go downward.

You can't get any more pleasure by continuing there.

In fact, it will cause you stress.

When you feel the peak, it is important to end the work, 

even if you are in the middle of it.

If you get the timing right, you will be able to

You will have the ability to act with ease and continue with a plan.


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s