Sunday, November 7, 2021

The values you hold dear are actually the flip side of your sense of lack! Putting it upside down can bring a breakthrough!

Thank you for such a stimulating time! 

Coaching by Akio Hiramoto! 


Who am I?

Break it down by factors. 


Who are you selling yourself to?

What you sell is your worldview.

Who is your persona?!


What is it that God embodies through me?!

If I were God・・・



Has a routine of waking up at 4 am regardless of if he was drinking until 1 am 


Because his identity is the same level as 

Michael Jackson

Ryoma Sakamoto

Steve Jobs and others.・・・




So much to learn here!!!

Must set Takumi Yamazaki's identity first at that level!!!






Value (Changing society) 

Belief (That amazing things happen surprisingly easily)  

Self image (continuously growing) 

What I'm good at 

What I like 


90 minute consulting for 1 million yen  

In order to break through, you have to put it upside down 

・Live the flow in front of you.

 Tracing the dots into lines will lead you out to extraordinary places



 The team that started with the highest priority

 Team that ignored priorities and started with what they wanted to do


 The latter had better results and a higher rate of achievement

 Achievement bias  Dopamine secretion


Case work for those who can do as they are told 

If you just do this, you can receive 50,000 yen passive income 

If you do as you're told, you can receive 50,0000 yen 


Baby steps

One squat

One push-up

If you do it once, you pass. 


How do you want to become?!


10 billion yen annual income

Meet the people who are embodying it already! 


I thought I should meet with 

Mr. Zentaro Ohashi

Mr. Hideto Tomabechi

Ayumu Takahashi!

What do I love?! 


Things that move my heart!!!


I received a suggestion that I should talk with homeless interview them. 

What is the real you ?! 

There's no such thing! 

The values you hold dear...

are actually the flip side of a sense of lack!

Example -> When there is war, everyone wants peace


I was recommended to keep a "Values Journal".


Write down 3 to 7 values that you want to cherish.


Write the definition of each one of them every morning!

The definitions change slightly every day!


Write down the "satisfied" and "not satisfied" regarding each of those values.


What was the happy moments and unhappy moments you had in that day?! 

"Prove you were right."

As a man of Steve Jobs' rank・・・


It's still a bit embarassing




Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s