Sunday, October 17, 2021

Everything that happens is caused by you. Accept it and you can create your future!

Everything that is happening is caused by you.


What's happening in front of you now is

seeds you sowed a long time ago!


When you accept that

all of reality is what you have created, 


then you can create the reality you want to create.



What's happening


In front of you.

For some reason your husband is mad at you!


You didn't do anything...


It's not that you didn't do anything.


The seeds you sowed earlier have simply sprouted!!!




When you get angry, 

All the virtue you've accumulated 

will be burned away and reset to "zero"!




Tough people = people who can keep their cool


Stage 0 → Quiet joy

Stage 1 → Off balance   Slight waves

Stage 2 → Frustration 

Stage 3 → Explosive

Stage 4 → Living with anger


Can you be aware of yourself in a state of disarray?!



Irrational anger.


Can you solve your problem, 

with that anger!?


Confront yourself with it!



The unworthy person in front of you

could he actually be an incarnation of Buddha?!



Peacock Warrior


The peacock eats poison to

make beautiful feathers!!!


By outsmarting angry situations.

you become a person who grows peacock feathers



Without nature 




There is nothing that 

can't be helped! 

You are creating everything!



People can take their own lives, 

and overeating can lead to death.

You're not afraid to bully yourself.


Don't need to get upset when someone else does it to you! 




Anger without justice


Don't let your anger go unchecked.


LT 10

Mother with a knife

A confused mother

Thinks you, her son, is a thief.

She thought you were a thief and was brandished a knife・・


Of course you wouldn't fight her off, right? 


Right in front of you.

And the one who is trying to hurt you, 

There are chances it could have been your mother.




Offer up your virtue

Take the loss!


Jealousy is also anger

The feeling of expecting the misfortune of others


LT 12


The anger button...


I'm hungry.

I'm tired.

I'm angry

When I'm sick

When I'm lonely

When I'm anxious


I get angry easily!




It separates you from me.



My mouth is

Your mouth.


You are

Part of a bigger me!


How much of me am I? !


It's all me!



When your seed changes.

That person will change too!




It's okay to feel anger!

And joy...


When you feel it...

Can you look at yourself objectively?

and see yourself as a third person?



What's happening in front of you

are the seeds you've sown before...


How am I creating this world?


Where is the world made from?!



Just hold it for three seconds.


The emotion that has existed since the beginning of mankind = anger

It's the second most difficult emotion.


Let's fight it for just three seconds!



Four Steps

Karma's path is ready.


You'll be the first to wake up!



A letter in a bottle


A letter from a wise man from the past (2500 years ago) ...



4 powers

・Remembering the theory of the pen.

・Intellectual Regret: Don't hurt yourself.

・Commitment   To not do the thing (Give yourself a deadline)

・Against the bad, do the good!







From Akio Hiramoto's mail magazine•••





How old is too late to change? 

"Maybe a day or two before you die?" 

by Adler 

You can not only change yourself, 

but you can also change the people around you 

by the way you relate to them.


But how?


You have to be aware of your unconscious emotions.

and let it out.


If you can recognize the brakes in your mind

And let it go...


You'll find what you really want, 

behind that. 

What did you really want to do?

You can know your true feelings.

And know your axis!


You can truly be in alignment and 

know what you really want. 



You will naturally move in the direction of your awareness.


You can naturally proceed

 in the direction of your natural awareness.



Where it came from is not important, 

what matters more is where you are going. 


Counseling Psychology to Help People

"Learning Real Listening and Self-Affirmation"

Saturday, October 16, 13:00

Last one of the year!

Limited to LINE friends only.

Free invitation. Applications close on October 15.



We started taking applications!



October 30, 2011

"Takumi Yamazaki Motivation Switch Lecture"


October 30, 2012

"Hongo Sohmi✖️Takumi Yamazaki Talk Live & Group Consultation in Osaka



"Snow Flower" wooooh! 



Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s