Sunday, September 12, 2021

"If I only had one year left to live..." Take three minutes and think about it! It'll change the way you look at things!


The last day of

 Kaze no Gakko・・・


It was inspiring and moving!

I'm going to spend the rest of my life

getting you all out into the world!!!

My meeting with my yg3 team was also stimulating!

Today ends 1/3rd of the year !!!



"If you had only 1 year of life left" 

It's a book that we should all seriously consider!






What would you do? 

What would you do? 

What would you do? 


If you only had one year left...!


If it were me...

I'll go on a trip to say "Thank you" 

To whom would I say thank you to?! 



Wasn't "The Elephant's Back" a similar storyline...



The novel version was good too〜

↓↓↓and this animation as well

象の背中 旅立つ日 完全版リンク


"If you only had 1 year of life left to live?" 



One day, out of the blue...


I don't want to regret it.

I wish I had done such and such


"If I only had one year left to live.."

Just take three minutes to think about it!

It will change the way you see the world



Look to nature.

It will heal your loneliness.

Flowers on the side of the road

The blue of the sky

The splendor of the trees




We forget how beautiful nature is

Realizing that we are alive because of it


The feeling of being connected to some kind of existence



"If you had one year left to live"

What I want to do

Important Words to Find What's Important



Sense of responsibility


Can be a disadvantage

Can't leave things to others

 until the last minute


Leave it to others!!!



For the sake of retirement, 

are you willing to sacrifice your NOW?

The story of the ant and the grasshopper.




In life, there are

times to work and times to play.

and when to play


When does the ant play?

Don't postpone joy!


We live as if the world were eternal

Without doing what we want to do...


Dying at zero

Live without storing money.

Life is the sum total of your experiences! 


Not a waste of money.

Money as an experience.

Invest in the future!

Not as a waste of money 

but spend it on what will give you experiences! 


The more I earned, the busier I got. 




French live for their vacations♪


Jump in quickly

On a luxury cruise ship, the Titanic of Noah’s Arks if you will, every nationality in the world is represented on board. But suddenly the ship springs a leak and begins to sink. Sadly, there aren’t enough boats for everyone. The women and children have filled up all the boats, and the ship’s captain needs to persuade the men to jump into the sea. What does the captain say to each guy to make him jump?

To the American… “If you jump, you’ll be a hero!” 

To the English… “At a time like this, a true gentleman would jump.”

To the German… “According to the regulations, all the men must jump into the sea.”

To the Italian… “See that beautiful woman with the luxuriant underarm hair swimming past? You can really make a splash and impress her.”

To the French… “Please do NOT jump into the water.” 

To the Japanese… “Everyone else has already jumped.”

From "A Collection of Japanese Jokes in the World" by Takashi Hayasaka





No man island

(From Old Sidewalk Benjamin's "Sekai ga Yomigaeru Joke Collection")

Two men and a woman were washed up on a deserted island. 

A representative of each country was asked what would happen to the three of them.

Frenchman: "I bet the woman will marry one of the men and have an affair with the other.

American: "A woman must marry one man, get divorced, and then remarry the next man.

German: "The woman must marry one of the men, and the other man must serve as a witness.

Japanese: "The two men must inquire at the head office as to which one of them should marry the woman.





Which country do you want to go to?!

But, can you?!









Yoshinoya arrives by drone?!


Yoshinoya, I'm starting to feel like eating it〜〜〜

Do you know it's here?

Yoshinoya, Meitetsu Nagoya Station...


I feel like eating it 〜〜〜♪



When you feel stuck as to what to do・・・

This has impact・・・



For those using ProCreate







Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s