Thursday, August 5, 2021

Add just a little to your usual relationships (from ±10 to+11)and it'll increase your trust balance


Here's my official LINE@ 

Please subscribe〜♪



Just skimming through it is fine

but please be aware of the current state of Japan now〜〜〜


Young people who read this book, 

I hope you stand up! 


【Book summary】

"The truth about Japan! If you don't know about it, you'll be killed!!" 

The inconvenient truths that companies, the government and mass media tries to hide 



The TV and newspaper is a brainwashing device! 

Japan is going towards hell, not paradise. 

It's been on a downward spiral for the last 30 years 


Tough times bring opportunity! 

We can't see the future if we keep our eyes closed to the truth! 

We must stare into the future! 




1)Japan getting poorer and poorer




Dropped to 30th in international competitiveness (research by IMD) 

1st place    Singapore 

2nd place   HK

3rd place   USA

4th place   Switzerland 

5th place   UAE 

14th place    China

16th place   Taiwan 

22nd place   Malaysia 

25th place   Thailand 

28th place   Korea 

30th place Japan 


The low business efficiency 

High government debt are some of the reasons. 

It used to rank 1st place from 1989 for 4 years in a row!! 

It's getting worse and worse now. 

HEISEI =The lost 30 years 

Stock prices halved 

There used to be 36 Japanese companies listed in the top 50 companies in the world. 

Now there is only Toyota (at 35th place) 

=Japanese businesses are in a state of destruction 

The GDP per capita is 26t place 

What was once glorious.... 

is not falling year by year. 

The suicide rate is also going up 

6th highest in the world 

1st place for young people 

3rd place for women 

The participation of women in society is also low 

Percentage of female members in congress is 165th place 

Level of happiness   58th place/among 156 countries 

Level of freedom of choice  is 64th place 

Level of tolerance is 92nd place 

America is 19th place 

Korea is 54th place 

Finland has the highest level of happiness  

1st place 

Use of pesticides 

Korea/Japan uses the most 

3 times more than the UK/6-7times more than the US

Developmental disorders 

Korea/Japan is worst 2 


Could it be from the neurotoxins from the pesticides?! 




Seeing this state, how will you judge things and move from now?! 

The population is also dropping which means the GDP will also drop. 

Become able to work abroad as well 

Become someone who can work as global personnel 

Learn programming/English 

Have experience working abroad!!! 

The era of knowing nothing about other countries and only working in Japan is over! 

You have to be able to create your own work! 

Can everyone do that?! 

Your actions now should change! 

To do that, it starts with knowing! 

That will close the gap in the future! 



2)The fraud of banks

  They are lending air and turning it into money! 

Why are banks making money?! 


Because of credit. 

They have the power to create money from nothing!! 

Money creation is not the same as making money! 

Banks don't actually move money, 

but just write it on slips of paper! 

Banks just write on paper money that doesn't actually exist. 

Since nobody takes all their money out at once. 

Banks can create 100 times the value of the money they have in the bank! 

The alchemy of the financial industry (it's a fraud) 

You must be thinking

What to do then?!




What's important is your credit balance (of trust) !!!





Today we did the recording for PLAYFULLY♪


We had Takuya Fujimoto come as a guest! 

Thank you so much! 

+10 relationships 

+11 relationships


I was moved by this〜〜〜


Say regular relationships were(+10)

by just adding a little to a (+11)relationship

you can create a greater credit balance, and create a relationship of trust. 



Japan is active this Olympics!!!

侍ジャパン“金”王手!8回山田V打で韓国倒し、25年ぶり銀メダル以上確定 (日刊スポーツ)<東京オリンピック(五輪):野球・日本5-2韓国>◇4日◇準決勝◇横浜スタジアム侍ジャパンが韓国との大熱戦を制して、銀メダルを獲得した96年アトランタ大会以来、25年ぶりの決勝進出を決めたリンク







This is happening in Nagoya!


From WAKKAN from "Unbelievable" 

and Keiichi Saito from "Downtown DX" 


アンビリバボー 若山陽一郎さん奇跡体験!アンビリバボー 若山陽一郎さん特集より2021.5.27放送※限定公開(非公開)ですのでURLを見せたい方に教えてあげれば観られます。#アンビリバボー #若山陽一郎リンク


↓↓↓ For details see here↓↓↓

Lily's(リリース) 福家友理 わっかん✖️ゆりchan トークライブ - リザストママ 起業 イベント 夢を叶える 笑顔 株式会社Lily's ママの夢を叶える会社 Lily's(リリース) 福家友理リンク


【Date】August 9th 2021   

Monday 13:30〜16:30

【venue】Nagono Campus

"Co-working space" 
   JR/名鉄/地下鉄東山線・桜通線 名古屋駅

【Content】Special collaboration live 

  The true story of two people whose live changed through clubhouse. 

What is the "secret" they will share? 

We will dig deeper on each others tips 



Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s