Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Quit thinking of self! Think of doing something constructive for someone else!



Quit thinking of self!
Think of doing something constructive for someone else!

NPO Japan Edgar Cayce Center

If you read this phrase 3 times 

it will undoubtedly affect you! 

Quit thinking of self!
Think of doing something constructive for someone else!


Quit thinking of self!
Think of doing something constructive for someone else!


Quit thinking of self!
Think of doing something constructive for someone else!


What links here is・・・

Shiori-chan's talk on "you don't need to hold on so tight" 


↓↓↓It's about letting go=♪↓↓↓




Transcribing software 






What's scary about "vitamin D" deficiency that Japanese people don't know about?

日本人が知らない「ビタミンD」不足の怖さとは | 健康私はニューヨーク市で生まれ育った。都会で過ごす少年時代は楽しかった。だが10代になると、都会の慌ただしい生活が心の健康にあまりよくないことを感じていた。自然に触れる機会が少ないために、いつも自分が自然…リンク



SEKAKOWA Fukase、Debuts as a picture book author

BLUENO as a oil painting 

セカオワFukase、絵本作家デビュー 長年あたためていた『ブルーノ』に油絵を描き下ろし (ORICON NEWS) - LINE NEWSメジャーデビュー10周年を迎えた4人組バンドSEKAI NO OWARIのボーカル・Fukaseが、自身初の絵本『ブルーノ』を10月13日に刊行することが決定し、表紙が解禁となった。 近年、独特のタッチで描リンク






You will become the way you want to! 

If you think of it that way 

your deep subconscious will begin to make preparations on its own! 

If you depict what you want to happen in the future・・・

The rest will happen on autopilot! 

That's how the brain works (lol)! 

Mommy magic school!!!

It's about to get started in earnest! (lol) 

Kai-san's Singapore Chicken rice

It was delicious〜〜〜

Once again・・・

See you day after tomorrow in Osaka!


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s