Sunday, July 11, 2021

About humans ....


【New book summary】

"finding a scapegoat"



Witch hunting was allowed because it was recognized by Christianity at the time that that was justice. 


Unfortunately, humans experience feelings of joy when other fail or fall into misery.  

The terminology for this derived from the German language is Schaden (damage) Freude (joy) 


Witch hunting・・・


The human brain feels joy from bringing others to justice. 

Have you never felt irked by people who seem to be benefiting without working for it?! 

Or subconscious jealousy of others and slander online!! 

The human brain has a habit of not being able to feel happiness unless it is compared with someone/something else 

The brain dislikes becoming happy with others. 




Can we overcome this?!

Can we utilize it?!



When your co-workers income increases 

we begin to feel like we are somehow losing out! 

We can learn to be kinder and to feel the pain of others. 

Actions taken out of spite  =The feeling of wanting the other person to suffer even if it means you'll lose out too !!!

Japanese hate the concept of outsmarting others in order to make a profit. 

Japanese ↓↓↓

The nail that sticks up gets hammered down! 


So much peer pressure 

Can't forgive that others are benefitting 

If they are losing out they want others to do so too 

This is a characteristic unique to Japan 


This is why no innovations are happening in Japan 

They are a people who are only pursuing who will take the final responsibility 

If someone is going to profit, 

they try to hide it in fear of being cut out of the circle or being left out. 

There's more of a lose lose attitude rather than a win-win attitude! 


The only solution is to change the culture so that 

"The nail that sticks out doesn't get hammered" 



No matter how wise or intelligent you are, you are not allowed to be sexy 

Cannot be intimidating 


Religion or the eyes of the world?!

Perhaps the eyes of the world has even stricter rules than that of religion?! 

Don't allow your imagination to become spoiled! 

Beware of depending on trust 

Retweeting etc. 

The ego of the individual 

is often created by others. 

Japan's conditions to be uniform as a group 

is stricter than other countries = diversity is not allowed 

Isolation and loneliness are some of the most disturbing emotions?! 

Can we reach out to the suffering of others? 

Without being intoxicated by the comfort of being amongst the crowd


What color is the rainbow?! 

Native Americans "ZUNI tribe" see it as 5 colors 

The "Shena tribe" in Africa see it as 3 colors 

Accepting diversity


Let's go into unexplored territory〜

And feel and experience ourselves as living beings! 


even-if season theme

Our lives that change with corona


Thank you for the wonderful time 

Will host this in Okinawa in August!

山崎拓巳『沖縄開催の・・・ 魂が震えて 学びが後を引く(糸も引く?!) 高次元セミナーのお誘いです!』沖縄開催の・・・魂が震えて学びが後を引く(糸も引く?!)高次元セミナーのお誘いです!  8/20~8/22~REBORN~山崎拓巳×新井慶一×城間百合江沖縄で…リンク


Long time no see〜〜〜

It was a magical time. Thank you everyone〜〜〜


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s