Friday, July 9, 2021

1% of effort= Effective effort gives a greater level of total happiness. Try unique things.

Thank you for today!

↓↓↓You can watch it in the archives↓↓↓



Thank you! 


Thanks to Yuri, the moderator. 


↓↓↓Official line@ Yuri-san↓↓↓

Mr. Shimizu's talk was great too! 

Mr. Oshima was wonderful too〜






A smart way of life

Only doing what is cost-effective! 


Putting your all into just the 1%!!!


Live in a smart way

and you'll gain alot from life 

The point you should remember is 

always leave one hand open!

Have your life priorities straight!

Understand how the world works!

Challenge yourself to try things you've never done before!




1。The meaning of life and1% effort

2。The key to deciding life's priorities 

3。Become someone unique


1。The meaning of life and the1% effort

  Why do we live? 

  There is no meaning to life. 

  We are the same as bugs. 

  We are part of the heat circulation system. 

  Enjoy life 

  To increase the total level of happiness 

  Life is the act of using up time 


  1% effort=The effort that is most cost-effective

  Minimum effort

  Then you'll get time and you'll want to use that time to do something. 

       Create a home page 

       and then create channel 2


  If you don't have extra time, you won't be able to grab the opportunities when they come 

  Leave one hand open 


  Don't do things you don't want to do, 

      or things that are unnecessary 

     If you have extra time, you'll find that you want to do something. 

    Something you started just for fun 

    often ends up creating a buzz !!!


2。Key to deciding life's priorities 

  You won't lose if you have clear priorities. 

      Greater level of total happiness 

  Let go of what isn't important to you 


  Decide on priorities 

  →I place sleep as most important  by HIROYUKI 

  The key is ・・・

  Prioritize what you can only do now

  Put off what you can do later 



  Hone some kind of expertise=This is cost-effective 

      The world runs on things that are at the level of a high school student 

     Don't do things that anyone could do. 

     That's exactly why expertise means = earning money 


    The world is simple 

    And it works surprisingly well.



3。Be someone unique 

  This is cost-effective!

  Highly cost effective


  Become an excellent person 

     Become someone interesting (someone unique) 

    SHOWA→Collecting people who are similar 

  PRESENT DAY →Creative people 


 Hone an area that is different from someone else 

 Try something unique!

 Try it without thinking too far ahead


  Even if you fail, you'll be able to deepen your understanding about yoruself. 

     What you gain from success is reward

     What you gain from failure is growth 

     If you keep doing the same things in the same way, 

     you'll grow old fast! 



【ひろゆき】風邪は万病の元。BURGINDIA IPAを呑みながら。2021/07/04 D23やぁやぁ、概要欄だよ。 働いてない人や子供部屋にいる人向けのビール飲んで雑談してるしょうもないやつだよ。リンク



"7 points for conversation"

Publishing anniversary  special talk live 

【Guest speaker:Takumi Yamazaki 】


Yasushi Kosasa 

Congratulations on your book! 



『話すツボは7つ』出版記念スペシャルトークライブ【ゲスト:山﨑拓巳さん】『話すツボは7つ』 出版記念 スペシャルトークライブを開催いたします! こんにちは、こささやすしです。 今回のトークライブのゲストは 【山﨑拓巳さん】をお迎えいたします!当日はどのようなお話が聴けるのでしょうか?! どうぞお楽しみに! ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 【山﨑拓巳さん プロフィール...リンク




From Okayama and Gunma・・・

Grateful to everyone in each region!!

Beauty club!!!


Thank you so much!

It was fun〜〜〜〜

Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s