Friday, June 11, 2021

Japanese sleep less than the average amount....What's scary about sleep debt


Sleep debt・・・




Yesterday someone spoke to me about sleep debt and it spoke to me・・・



Sleep is related to the strength of your immune system! 

In 1953, we REM sleep was discovered! 

During non REM sleep= is when the brain and the body sleeps 

In 1963, Stanford Sleep Institute was founded 

Japanese have a low deviation value regarding sleep! 

France 8.7H

USA 7.5 H 

Japan 6.5 H 

*40% sleep less than 6 hours (that's me) 

What's scary about sleep debt


It can lead to 



High blood pressure 


and even effect the length of your life 

What's important is sleep quality !!!


Get the "golden 90 minutes" 

"body temperature" and the "brain" 

To raise your body temperature, take a bath for 15 minutes 

It'll go down in 90 minutes because your arms and legs are letting off heat 

Raise your body temperature ....

Raise, Lower and Shrink!!!



Don't overly excite your brain before you sleep〜

With work, over thinking, light etc. 

It's also important how you wake it up?! 



90 minute theory (varies depending on the individual) 



There is unlimited potential inside every single person. 

Remember that no matter what situation you are in, remember that 

you have the ability to choose happiness. 

You are the protagonist of your life. 

Remember that you are the creator and you can create the reality that you desire. 

By the time the festival is over, you'll have the experience of ....

"I can tell that my vibration is completely different!" 

"I found the best heaven on earth for me!" 

"Everything until now was for this day!" 

Just as happiness means different things for different people, 

finding your own personal "heaven on earth" 

is an important key to success and abundance in this era. 

Please experience it for yourself! 

June 23rd (Wed) Heaven on Earth Fes

●Date/Time:June 23rd, Wed 2021 

●Venue:Kanda Myogin Hall  

【Join online】
18,000 yen ⇒9,800yen

※Limited time sale until 6/13(Sun)26:00

【VIP participants receive

(Keiko Anaguchi's group consulting + 3 other special bonuses】
88,800 yen
★The event will be recorded and shared later as well ★



"It's now possible that with the blood of a few donors, it's possible to create neutralizing antibodies to COVID-19 in about 10 days" 

(Professor Tomoharu Yasuda from Hiroshima University Graduate  School) 


【特集】日本初 “変異株”を無力化する「中和抗体」の人工作製に成功!“夢の治療薬”開発となるか?(読売テレビ) - Yahoo!ニュース「数名のドナー血液があれば、新型コロナウイルスの中和抗体を、だいたい10日くらいで作製することが可能になりました」(広島大学大学院 保田朋波流教授) リンク



Today I'm in Takamatsu!!!

and Okayama!!!

Thank you Maki〜

What a car〜〜〜

I love this Uehara udon!!!


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s