Sunday, May 2, 2021

A winner creates a need for a loser! Everything is one


I love Alan Watts!

Alan Wilson Watts (6 January 1915 – 16 November 1973) was a British writer and speaker known for interpreting and popularising BuddhismTaoism, and Hinduism for a Western audience. Born in Chislehurst, England, he moved to the United States in 1938 and began Zen training in New York. He received a master's degree in theologyfrom Seabury-Western Theological Seminary and became an Episcopal priest in 1945. He left the ministry in 1950 and moved to California, where he joined the faculty of the American Academy of Asian Studies.[2]


A man of extensive knowledge and deep insight, he was one of the charismatic leaders of the counter culture of the 60's. 

Main books

  • 『「ラットレース」から抜け出す方法:「私」をわからなくする世の中の無意識ルール』サンガ(訳:竹渕智子)(原題『TheBook:On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are』)
  • 『心理療法東と西:道の遊び』誠信書房(訳:滝野功)
  • 『タブーの書』めるくまーる(訳:竹渕智子)


The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are











Who am I 

Where did I come from 

What am I to do here 

and where am I going?! 

Being able to be grateful to your enemies 

Then loneliness will disappear 

You will know the truth of the world. 


1)Attention is a narrowed perception

  It creates a narrow perception of the world

  Understand that the world is a culmination of pieces 

       It's not really a causal relationship 

       It is actually one thing


2)Everything is working together 

  It is because we are not conscious of oneness and wholeness 

       that the ego comes in 

      We don't understand that everyone else is also ourselves

      Once you understand oneness 

      You understand that you =God 


  Everything in the world 

        is you that has returned

      So others are also all you! 

    Everything is one 

   Light and darkness 

   Sound and silence 

   Solids and space 

On and off 

Appearance and Disappearance 

Cause and effect

Everything is one thing. 

Even things that are in conflict 

Winners and losers 

One cannot exist without the other. 

Winners need losers to be winners! 

If you try to live without desire or fear, 

you will realize that your actions in life are based on greed and fear. 

You begin to develop a desire 

to not be greedy 


 Trying to be a saint=Trying to be a better human than others 

Ego appears in different forms

 It kicks someone down 

   and disciplines self

Winners need losers 

Saints need sinners 

The wise need the foolish 

How you are 

depends on how others are

One thing


A group cannot exist without excluding others 

There are others, that is where your self also exists 

Groups are the same (we come to know ourself through others) 

To exist means to compete

 Not selfish = No self 

It's because you create enemies 
that groups are also created 

Who am I 
and what am I?! 
You will find the answer is that you are no body 

There are contradictions that arise when you think of everything as separate 

  The isolated ego is a fake 
 Everything is one    Oneness 

Everything is 0 and 1 


Our nerve cells go on and off=It's vibration 

Everything has a ON and OFF  

Sound, light and space as well 

You do not exist as an individual 

      Time and space is also one 

     Having something you want to do or achieve in the future = illusion 

   Eating something else 

Hurting something else 

We cannot exist without the other 



  Don't try to beat the other



 Live as if it's a game

 Don't be too serious 


The angel is established by the devil 

      It is the bad people that 

create the position you have now 

Justice is winning but there is no winning 

The devil is losing but will never lose 

Thanks to the enemy 

We realize our dependency 

Have humor 


Realize that you also have bad parts in you, just as the enemy does 



 Love and selfishness

   Reason and Passion 

   Spirituality and Sensuality 

   Mysticism and materialism 

Finding that unique balance and not going too far to one side. 

Life is a game, enjoy it 

Everything is one 

You are playing all the parts yourself 

Which role will you go on to play?! 





Let's bend the steel pole〜〜〜

Would you like to try bending a steel pole with your throat?



"LINE video talk" is a "dokodemo miracle door"☆゜:*:・゜



Thank you for the fun time

See you again

So interesting〜♪

Basketball is so fun〜♪

Had fun〜♪


Here we go!

Proceed into May〜♪

I made new great friends again〜♪

Thank you so much!

Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s