Are SMART goals old?!
What are SMART goals?
Write or express in specific words in a way that whoever reads it can understand
Can your imagination actually limit you?!
Allow yourself to accept the unknown
Focus on "how you will feel"
Instead of "specific", focus on how you feel when you achieve the goal
and pray "Let this or something better happen〜"
Quantify and make the goal measurable so that you and your boss can measure it
Emotions are important. They are our rocket fuel.
Allowing ourselves to be swayed by those emotions is a waste.
Instead, set MTO's (Taku style is ABC Goals)
M=Minimum (what you will achieve no matter what)
T=Target (your actual goal)
O= Outrageous goals (when everything you do goes outrageously well)
Allow yourself to be happy if you reach your minimum
Confirm whether your goals is not only a hope or dream, but whether it is realistic and achievable
How are you going to change the world?
50% chance of success 50% chance of failure
Google has a 60% success rate
Giving permission and room for failure.
Confirm whether that goal is relevant to your work or company's goals.
Confirm your beliefs
Is that dream really your dream?
Or is it someone else's dream?!
50% of the lawyers in the USA suffer from depression?!
Set a deadline of when you will achieve your goal
This doesn't account for magic/spirit
Trust synchronicity and that intuition and spirit will help you find your way
Put your RAS to work
Embrace the power of spirit and mastery.
Use your insight and intuition
Level 1
Break the brules (Bullshit rules)
Question them
ex) I'll only be loved if I'm thin or beautiful
Shift your identity !
Change your way of being
ex) I want to lose weight →I am an athlete
Become an icon!
Mother Teresa, Princess Diana, Elon Musk
What experiences do you want?
How do you want to contribute?
How do you want to grow?
List up the feelings you want to experience
You become unfuckwithable
Letting go
Going with the flow
Follow your own goals!
Not those given to you by others
Growth is the goal
No matter happens, you will grow
Being is the goal
What you need will come to you
Positive Optimism
Creative Visualization
Thank you so much!
Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s