Friday, August 28, 2020

The number of relations that one person can form is【150 people】


Thank you!


Athlete Nezu,  I'm looking forward to it! 





Question 1

 If you could only make 150 friends in your life time 

who would you choose? 

Question 2

 Have those 150 people also put you in their circle of 150?

Question 3

What are "friends" to you? 


From Toshitaka Mochizuki's mail magazine・・・



■ If you narrow down your "friends" you learn about "yourself" 

"How many true friends or acquaintances do I really have?" 

This is something that I sometimes think during the seasons of summer and new year greetings. 

Regarding this point, 

Robin Dunbar Chief of Evolutionary Anthropology at 

Oxford university advocates an interesting theory 


"The number of relations that one person can form is 

up to【150 people】"


Surprising isn't it 

Of course its just a hypothesis, 

but there are 4 interesting proofs that were discovered. 

That is .....

▼ Please see the rest from here

▼ Masahiro Kanbe's WEB series are also extremely popular

▼ Masahiro Kanbe's YouTube channel from here
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Through Toshitaka Mochizuki's LINE

you can receive the latest information on research results 

and seminars. 

Please take this opportunity to register. 

◎Toshitaka Mochizuki LINE



There's a signature phrase right?!

Empowering your closing




The sooner you do it 

the sooner you'll get results 

It's a waste

 if you don't do it now 

If you don't do anything, 

nothing will change 



Psychology of people who respond late

Aren't there times when a person doesn't respond to their LINE or e-mail 

and so you check their SNS or blog 

and they're updating and posting pretty regularly. 

I understand the feeling of being a bit peeved thinking, 

"If you have the time to update your SNS or blog, then respond already!" 

But to give a little more explanation to those who respond late 

When we update our blog or SNS

 it's "when we want to be alone" 

When we want to be alone, 

it's often because our minds are cluttered with busyness or stress 

so we output that on SNS or on our blogs 

to help organize the clutter inside our minds

When inside our minds or cluttered 

sometimes it also makes human communication hard, 

so that's why sometimes even when we can't get motivated to reply to LINE or chat

there are more frequent updates of SNS or blogs 

It's both good and bad but through SNS 

it's possible to say things that you can't say through one on one communication

It doesn't mean we don't plan on replying 

but we tend to put it off 

"I can answer later" and and result of procrastinating 

gets to the end of the day 

and by the end of the day, or mental and physical energy is at empty

so it gets postponed to tomorrow 

and once tomorrow begins the busyness of the day clutters up our brains again 

and in order to declutter that 

we go into our SNS and's a bad cycle 

And then while all the messages stack up, after a while its like 

"It's a bit too late to respond now、、、"

and we completely miss the timing and feel guilty like 

"are they mad at me.... I feel bad" 

and then become phobic of LINE or e-mail

Of course its entirely the fault of the person who didn't reply 

but I'd be happy if people would understand that its not necessarily on purpose to try to make you feel bad or irritate you 

If you can't reply, then at least saying "I can't reply now" might be manners, huh 

I'll try to be careful of this too. 

Anyone else who has this problem, let's be aware and do better together. 



Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s