Friday, July 10, 2020

What are you doing "that" for?! ...Changing your fundamental way of thinking

What I learned yesterday・・・

Back end high plan


3C analysis

Strengths of your company 
Strengths of competitors 


Success in business

 Product +attracting customers 

The issue is attracting customers 


Want to provide something of value to many people → Not just to make money 

What for
What for ...asking this question 

 will change your fundamental way of thinking 

What are you doing "that" for?!
To "move" people


What I learned last night!

"Loosen up and life will go smoothly" 

Hiroshi Uehara Sensei+Kotaro Hisui 

What is Cyber reading speed reading Runru

Speed reading. 
No books. 

If you could sleep like you're dead, it's a wonderful thing. 
Once you experience Runru, you can be moved to tears even by just touching a book at a book store. 
It sharpens your senses. 

Everyone wants to protect their own boundaries. 
When those boundaries of self loosen, what comes up will change you. 

Even if you aren't doing anything, 
you will absorb what you need. 

As you relax deeply, you will awaken. 

Dr. says that everyone becomes this way, 
 once people enter this state・・・

It's 2 minutes!

Loosening up is powerful. 
It helps you to find the middle ground/path. 

All you need to do is lie down. 
Think about nothing, and just let go and relax・・・ 
Once you do that, you will experience it!!!

I want this fan!!!

I love the design, its so cool!!!
The crow on this fan, 
and the red mark on the upper side. 

I really like it. 

Is there anyone who will join from Fuchu〜
I want to create a red stamp (signature) 
Does anyone have any recommendations〜

Please tell me〜♪

Staff Ban