Tuesday, May 26, 2020

You increase your self-esteem by not trying to fill your lacks with other people.

I haven't been able to continue writing the novel I was thinking to write. 
My heart has been somewhat busy and it hasn't been proceeding as I'd hoped. 

My heart is looking for something new, to try to step away from the routine. 
My heart is making noise, kind of like I've just moved to a new city. 

With the novel corona virus and the start of self-restraint lifestyle, 
its like earth's inhabitants have moved to a new star. 
With their odd habits ingrained in them, and scared, 
somehow I've started to feel joy in this type of lifestyle too. 

Yesterday the state of emergency declaration was lifted・・・
The city is overflowing with people who just couldn't wait. 

I wonder what they want to do?
School will start from next month too, most likely. 
You can see here and there people in student uniform. 

This book is amazing!

Gay psychiatrist TOMY↓↓↓

Self-esteem is about you affirming yourself. 
It's not something that someone else can do for you. 

It goes without saying, 
but aren't there times when someone else affirms you 
and finally you can affirm yourself?

The way to increase your self-esteem
is to not try to fill up your lacks 
with other people.

Yesterdays IG Live was also incredible!!!


1 day in the unexpected!!!

I've left it up on IGTV〜♪

 As for tonight・・・


Oh no, its at the same time!!!
So please watch mine from the archives!

Or in
PLAYFULLY's archives, you can watch Miyagi's talk for 48 hours!