Thursday, May 7, 2020

There is a way to not get dumped!

"Faith is taking

the first step. 

even when you 

don't see the whole staircase. " 

Pastor King


Mr. Noda's mail magazine 

So true!
Let's climb the first step that's right in front of us! 


Futuristic Amway Research Institute♪

Pretty funny right?!

Sure talked alot! (lol) 

We did it social tipping style! 

Mr. Nagata said・・・
"It's the same as falling in love"!!!

There is a way to not get dumped!

"I like you!" 
and they answer, "Um....well・・・" 

would you say, 

"Let's go out!" ?! 
What you need to say is, 
"may I continue liking you?"

Please let me keep thinking that I want to work with you! 

I connected with so many people!
In so many areas・・・



Angie, you're amazing!

It was delicious!




This is a matching site  for those who work alone or work from home and have a hard time focusing and getting things done. 
It connects members in real time, so that they can support each other to get work done. 

Perhaps its a high-tech version of high school students doing homework while streaming live on instagram? (lol) 


You only touch base briefly with the person you are partnered with, 
and share with them what you're working on "I want to finish writing this book" or "I want to complete creating my website" etc. and work quietly with the camera on. 

There is no collaboration or chit-chat! 

Being watched via camera seems to be quite effective for better focus. 

The matching is done at 50 minute slots!!!


Let's learn from Toshitaka Mochizuki's mail magazine!


■ The best form of review is to "talk"

┌1)The reason why we remember the more amazed we are 

”Intelligence is the ability to be amazed" 

These are the words of French philosopher, 
Roland Barthes. 

It's true that the more our emotions move, 
our memories are stronger. 

Our memory is related to 
our brains "hippocampus" .

The "hippocampus" is what judges 
whether "this information is important!" 
and keeps it in our long-term memories. 

What is greatly involved in this decision making process is 
our amygdala which governs our emotions. 

All Japanese can remember clearly what happened on March 11th, 2011. 

Today I'll talk about a memory method that goes even further. 

┌2)The best form of review is to "talk" 
Professor David J. Linden, 
a leader in brain plasticity research says, 

"It's true that there are many things about
 (our power of memory) 
that can be explained by the movement of our emotions, 
but that's not everything." 

"Currently,  we know that 
for long-term memory to be retained 
talking about that event after experiencing it 
also has an affect."

You may be able to think of a few examples. 

"Where were you on 3.11?" 
"It was tough wasn't it, on 3.11?" 

We have had that conversation 
countless times. 

And when we put into words again, 
our emotions also move once again. 

And seeing the other person's reaction, 
also causes our emotions to move again. 

In other words, through talking about it 
it amplifies our memory many times over. 

That's why every time our seminars finish, 
we make time as much as possible
 to share what you learned with the person next to you.

Please use this for your learning too. 

Thank you for reading. 

Reference for today's episode was taken from below. 

"Our brains and hearts are full of patchwork--the evolving or our brain is about how much love, memory, dreams and how much God we can bring about"

2009 Intershift 
Author David J. Linden 
Translator   Masaru Natsume  

Once we learn, 
we need to share! 

Listen half 
talk and share the other half

Receive and send out!!!
