Monday, May 11, 2020

If there was a "technique to reach your goals easier" would you want to know?

The world's toughest job  (with subtitles)

That was great fun (lol) 

Tomorrow I'll be doing a InstaLIVE with Sobun Takeda!

Tomorrow is KONA's talk too!!!

You can do this?!↓↓↓

Choco protein dessert


Great advice from Tsuyoshi Takashiro's mail magazine ・・・


The problem is not with "such and such industry", 
the problem is with "continuing forever with only one job" 


"Have over two types of work in over two places" 


One is a work with low marginal cost
Another that even if you don't make money right away, 
that you can do what you like, where you like.


"Career change" 
Just "going to university for adult members of society" is the same risk again! 


At the same time as a "career change" 
find "another form of income" 
Simultaneously go to "university for adult members of society"

= The realistic path to live now  

"Those who have their own field of specialty and are confidently enjoying what they do"
did not become that way overnight. 
The path and process there wasn't "all cool" 


Have a medium-term perspective, 、
and have a plan that can be achieved in at least 7 years. 


In the spiritual world or in the mysteries of the unseen" what I "trust" is myself. 


 Those who change "now" are "action-oriented" people
 Those who change "someday" are "talk-oriented" people. 

    This mail magazine is a practical letter sent towards  the "action-oriented" people.  

Today we will learn from Mr. Ikeda's mail magazine! 

Techniques to progress with ease towards your goals

In this time of uncertainty now, 
how do we think, 
how must we act, 
and what do we need to decide on? 

■ Techniques to progress with ease towards your goals 

There were things I planned to do when I got home, 
but when I got home, before I realized it, I was doing something completely different. 

There were things I planned to do as soon as I got to the company, but once I got to my desk, before I realized it, time had passed. 

Then, when the day is over, 

you get down on yourself, 

"I actually had things that I wanted to do, but I couldn't." 

Does that ever happen to you?

Many people will say that  they "don't have the ability to act", 
but in actuality, it's simply that the way they "handle their brains"  is not congruent. 

Human brains have a "visual advantage" 
No matter how hard you think "I'll do that" in your head, 

if you go home and switch on the "TV" 
You'll suddenly remember that "oh, there was a program I had recorded and didn't watch yet" and end up taking a totally different action. 

If you go home and look at the kitchen, 
you'll remember, "oh, I need to prepare for tomorrow's lunch box" 
and you'll just do what comes to mind. 

What comes to mind is largely pulled by "what you see." 

That's why clearly writing out "what you must do" 
and putting it somewhere you see it is so important. 

However, aren't there times when you put your to-do's on the wall or fridge, but before you realize it, you aren't paying attention to it anymore? 

Memos such as "Do such and such" just end up becoming a part of the scenery. 

For those who have a bunch of post-its on their desk for weeks, 
those post-its have also become a part of the scenery. 

That happens because 
human brains are created to pay attention to "things related to action" 

・TV→Watch it
・Smartphone→ Checking your LINE messages
・Sofa→Laying down
・Fridge→Drinking beer etc. 

The technically term for this is the Affordance theory, 
which basically means that "what is in your surroundings will lead your actions"

・"Look at post-its →Don't act 
・Paperwork on the desk →Don't look 
・Yoga mat in the living room→ Don't use it 

If you repeat this, 
then whatever doesn't afford action, will eventually change into "scenery" 

The brain judges what doesn't act or cause action as "meaningless" 

You actually put it there to take action, 
but it becomes part of the scenery before you realize it・・・

Are there any things like that in your surroundings? 

If you have a dream you want to fulfill, 
you must pay attention to your surroundings and environment. 

Whatever is not related to action, move it to where you cannot see it. 
Post it's, remote controls, paperwork and books as well. 

Make sure that 
anything besides what you want to focus on at that moment is out of sight. 
by just doing that, it will heighten your own innate abilities. 

You may not notice it, 
but just by it entering your sight, it can take away your energy. 

Clutter that has become a part of the scenery. 
Every time you see it, it is a wasteful use of your energy.

Isn't a big waste that 
not only will it not lead to action, 
but it also uses up your attention and energy. 

Let me summarize the points. 

【Point 1】:

Write out what you thought to do. 

【Point 2】:

Anything else that is left out that does not lead to action, put it somewhere where you won't see it. 

【Point 3】:

If you want to focus on just that one thing, 
make sure that anything unrelated is out of sight. 

If you do this, it will heighten your concentration, 
and lead to actions that will lead to better results. 

I hope this has given you some tips you can use. 

Takamasa Ikeda 

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Einmusik b2b Jonas Saalbach live @ Preikestolen in Norway for Cercle

When I work from home, I keep this playing in the background〜♪

I'm happy I was able to talk to my wonderful team today too!