Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Are you pursuing life now? Or has your life stopped? How to unstop it

"The Human Completion" James Skinner! 
April 25th (Saturday) 19:00~21:00


I learned lots〜

Are you loving life?!
Should not waste time
Are you pursuing life now?
Or has life stopped? 
How can you unstop it? 
Life is not a journey 

Going to a good school 
Working at a good company 
Having a good marriage 

No, that future does not exist. 
Even 100 years for now, there is always only "here and now" 

You are already at the destination of your life. Now. 

The world you can see with your eyes does not exist. 
You have never seen the world outside of you. 

Everything is made up of atoms. 
The nucleus is made up of electrons (protons, neutrons) 

Are tangerines orange? 
There is everything besides orange, which is why it looks orange. 
The brain is simply picking up on that signal. 

What about music?  
The sound is air vibrations which the ear then 
changes the electric signals to communicate to our brains. 
Outside of you is only air pressure. 

Everything outside is an illusion. 
We have created it. 

 The Hannya Sutra
says that everything is "emptiness" 
Emptiness means that "it is not you" 
It is the illusion that we own our own bodies and that that is us. 

Everything is not us. 

Is your body really you? 
Is it not a collection of information you gathered through what you eat? 

 A mass of over 80 trillion living things 


Let's go! 
Let's go! 
Let's go farther! 
Way way farther over there! 

Your own mind is not you. 
That's why you can create any kind of world. 

Has your day ever gone according to how you imagined it? 
Can you feel what you feel? 
Can you see what you see? 

Why was Carnegie have such a huge fortune?!
He replied, "Because I can think the same thought for over 5 minutes." 
Normal people allow their thoughts to go all over the place and it doesn't stop. 

We need to complete what is on the inside. 

Why do people stop their journey of sensitivity? 

Babies start walking. 
They work to make that "walk" more "efficient" and "beautiful" 
If you continued something util today, you should have a 1 billion yen fortune by now. 

Children start to speak from not being able to speak at all. 
And then they work to make it more beautiful, to select their words and master it ・・・

Yoga Sutra 
A certain hermit goes to God to complain. 
I was able to solve my bodily problems through Aryuveda. 
But I haven't been able to solve the problems of my heart. 
Then God gave "yoga" 

Yoga solves the problems of the heart. 

To be in the now. 
That you are now at the destination of your life. 

Yoga =Unification 
It's stoped the movement of the mind. 
Once the movement stops, the observer shows up. 
When there is a lot of movement, attachments shows up and there is a struggle and pain. 

To stop your mind→Meditation 

Having a disciplined lifestyle 
And・・・to control your breathing in an easy posture. 
Stop all your five senses and just focus on one point ・・・

100 years later, you will still now in the "now" 
40 years later, you will also be "in the now" 

Sometimes we fear death so much 
that we forget to live. 

Enjoy a life full of magic every day. 
Enjoy your now. 


The part about possibly not being able to create antibodies concerns me a bit〜

Speed in work is important!! 

The speed of expansion! 
Important !!!

Many successful people are impatient! 


This is an interesting style of remote work〜♪
It's funny, a stage act that doesn't meet ・・・


30 minute concert・・・


It's Takato again. 

For today's Fukushima select, 
I've broken down my learnings from the 
"Motivation Switch! Dream Trip Seminar" I attended, 
and excerpted from "Life's Rules Takumi Style" 

This page taught me stuff at really the best timing ‼️


【Life's Rules Takumi Style】

"What's needed is to realize that you have become a slave to your own thoughts. 
We need to have to become master of our own thoughts, rather than being a slave to them. 

Has this ever happened to you? 
When you're writing an important mail, and you suddenly think, 
"Oh, did I forget to close the gas valve?" and you go and check. 

And again, once you're writing you think, "Oh, I forgot to make that call"
and you start making that call. 

This is how we always live as slaves to our thoughts. 

We need to stop and think "wait a moment" before we allow our thoughts to take over. 

Can you stand on those thoughts and recognize that "its those thoughts distracting me again" 

Why I chose this part. 
Yesterday I participated in the "Motivation Switch! Dream Trip Seminar" 
via zoom. 

In that seminar there was assignment to think about 
"What you gave your best to in the past." 

And what motivated you to do so? 
The answer I came up with yesterday was "because I had always put that thing on the top of my priority list" 

In other words, I was able to give it my best, because I didn't procrastinate. 
Conversely, procrastinating was more painful for me at the time. 

After the seminar finished, and I was reading "Life's Rules Takumi Style" 
this page jumped out at me. 

I was in that state of "making my thoughts my slave"! 

In other words, standing on my own thoughts and controlling them. 
By consciously bringing what I really want to do at the top of my priority list. 

Changing this part first, creates a me that can work hard without it feeling like effort. 
To forget time and live in the state of flow or the zone. 

This helped me to further breakdown my past actions and thoughts. 

It's been said that it's necessary to create a "new normal" for every day life. 

In the beginning of this book, it says, 

"You will find a new way of living. 

If you wish to." 

What I learned from this book will help to create a new normal and a new life. 
Please check it out! 
