Friday, March 6, 2020

What do you want beyond the wealth and prosperity? What will happen if you don't get it?

I received a report from yesterdays "Seminar by Mr. Endo"

Thank you so much! 

【The psychology of wealth and prosperity】

Why do you want to be wealthy and prosper?

First of all, energy is absolutely necessary for learning.

It takes 8 minutes to recover.

"Investment in yourself" will come back to you x 1.42 times in your lifetime. 
Life is about what you focus on.

We are currently in a "educational crisis, not a economic crisis" 

=Our genes can be changed.
Through our environment, situation and thoughts.

Experiment of  Smoke and a chipped mouse.

●Conscious and subconcious
Connecting your conscious and subconscious

"Your setting"

It's possible that you are bound by settings you set in the past. 
You keep listening to the orders from your past. 

It's necessary to get rid of these!
You save the money that's leftover from the month!
"is about this month" (what you set subconsciously)
That's why even though your income may increase,
what you're left with at the end of the month stays the same.

Yale University: According to my setting.
Kentucky university; There is no limits to what I can earn.

Have money and time. Where can I invest it. 
Anyone can be financially free. 
When you become so is up to your motivation. 

What you want beyond the wealth and prosperity? 
What will happen if you don't get it? 

This could in fact be a hindrance to you.
What do you need in your life? 

There are times when people are wrapped up in others peoples goal setting.
ie) Medical  student.
Your goals have somehow been replaced by your parents desires for you to become a doctor.
Doctors have the highest suicide rate of all professions.

What is wealth?
Being able to do what you want to do when you want to do it! 

What is prosperity? 
Being able to pass on happiness to future generations and not just yourself. 

●What you need to complete your learning 
①Story:To be imprinted deeply into human psychology
②Analogy:It's easier to remember things as we learn through association
③Content:This seminar
⑤Q&A:Write out your questions.
→It is wealth once it becomes wisdom!
"I already know that" is the most dangerous word.

"Knowing" is wisdom. You aren't understanding. 
"Doing" is proof that it became wisdom! Because you're taking action 

●What is the goal of this seminar? 

To first recognize the problem.

Get good at receiving.
Money is a tool.
Money is important, but not that important.
Don't get your emotions attached to it

Jump into the uncomfortable zone! 
Meet new people.
They may easily solve the problem you are facing now.

The possibilities are unlimited both for good and for bad. 

Even if you want to get rich, your actions don't match up.
The silver bar or chocolate bar experiment.

There are many people who fail in success.
This is a problem of mindset.
You are the cause.

Changing yourself is easy!
Nothing will change if you blame others.
Get any situation on your side.

In 1 second, 2 million bits of information enter your brain through your eyes.
But humans can only pick up 126 bits of information.

The brain cannot recognize negatives.
example) if you tell a small child
"Don't spill it"  →they spill it
Tell them
"be careful holding it"→don't spill it.


Thought, Beliefs




If you want to change the result you have to change your values!
Values are something you can express in one word.

What is important to you?
Can ≒ What you want to do
It's not necessarily the same.

Decide your career based on your values.

Write out at least 16 values that are important to you regarding finances and your career. 
①When thinking about your finances or about your career, write out as many things as you can that you think are important to you.
②Think back to times in your life when your financial state and career was at its best (excited and motivated), what was the emotion you felt a little bit before that?
③What needs to happen to complete your career and finances?
If what happened would you give up?

Rate the top 10 values you wrote out as + or - in terms of importance. 

Check if there are any conflicting values

Knowing your values is optimization.
It's important to know the values of your partner and business partner.

Task of associating wealth and prosperity 

Survey of concepts on money 

●We focus on what we want
ie)Story of the pole in the desert.
In a certain desert, with only one main road, 80% of the accidents were caused by crashing into the electric poles that were set 200m apart from each other.
We go where we don't want to (because we are looking at it)

That's why we sometimes get what we don't want.

What you are thinking about is what connects to results.

●The 3 you and 4 bodies.
High consciousness=Soul
Consciousness     =Thought
Subconscious =Emotion

What is your soul?Talking, communicating
The person who tells you things outside of this world.

First time: is ignored
Second time: is laughed at
Third time: is denied
4th time: It becomes as if it was there from the beginning.

Your situation moves or changes because you act.

There are 3 brains 
Head (consciousness)
Heart (subconscious)
Digestive organs (subconscious)

The Indian Apache tribe has no past memory (they have no past tense) → No learning or development

In Sicily in Italy, they have no future tense (thus no anxiety)

Connecting with the subconscious. Intuition (sighted eyes) the zone

Modern people:Maintain visibility under 18°
When your visibility becomes narrow, it causes stress
Their field of vision hardly moves!
In the natural world, that's the same stress as running away from a lion.

Natural state (Hakalau) :Left/right 100〜110°
It's a good state for your conscious and subconscious to connect
Stress hormone decease and heightened concentration.

●Hiolani meditation

If you continue doing this meditation it will sharpen your intuition!
Do it in a state of Hakalau

Why am I here today?
What do I want to gain today? 

How will I know today that I gained it? 

Ask your subconscious.
And your subconscious will answer you.
Through a picture or words, or a color, light, sound, or a variety of things. People feel things in different ways. Don't judge that. 

Write to what comes up
①What you saw (subconscious)
②If I said ○○ what comes up?(conscious・intuition)
③Theme(things you're concerned about lately)
④What about that(③?associations(higher consciousness )
⑤What is one action you can take? (action) 


Heaven's will:Will know somewhat hazily as you get closer

Mission:Do what you should

Destiny:Nothing will change if you do nothing.

As you know your destiny and do what you should (mission) you get closer to your destiny (heaven's will)

example) the Story of the bee.
Using your characteristics.
The bees characteristic is that it flies. 
What are two human characteristics?
・Can't live alone without asking for the help of others.
・Created to fail 

If you are living naturally, you shouldn't lack in wealth.

Education is what teaches us and sets it as the opposite.
That's what makes it so hard to live in this world.
Can you be courageous to do what is natural?!
Not setting goals, is unnatural since we have the frontal lobe.

Edison did not make the light bulb,
he is the one that spread it to home usage.

●Morning habits for wealth and prosperity
Investment of time
・Hiolani meditation
・Install SMARTgoals
・Aerobic exercise
45 minutes 3 times a week is best
・Gratitude work

It's a difference in those small daily habits that bring success.
It takes time to get great results.

Take care of yourself.
That's what enables you to care for others.
Care for yourself first!

The abilities of the brain are absolutely amazing, but if you don't use it, its ability will deteriorate.

Type of memories
①Episode memory (movement of emotions)
②Manual memory (procedure)
③Meaning memory

To help establish your memory 

10 minutes --within 24 hours
5 minutes--7 days later
3 (2.5)  minutes--30 days later
1 minutes (1.25) --42 days later

is sufficient!

●The work of your subconscious
We especially suppress memories that have negative emotions attached to the that haven't found closure.
Those suppressed memories lead to being solved.
There are times when you suppress those memories in order to protect yourself.

Also used as treatment for  PTSD
Releasing negative emotions.

That first event happens before you are 9 years old. 
Your subconscious will find it.
It could also be when you were a fetus, or from past lives by your parents or grandparents.

The emotions you feel in this particular moment are not towards what happened this present moment, but an explosion of what has stacked up until now.

example) The middle-aged man who gets angry as Mos Burger, demanding they serve him a Mac shake.

Give permission  that it's okay to release it! 
Once you give permission, change can happen in an instant! 
You yourself are the one that gives that permission!! 


Anxiety is the only emotion from the future.

If you release it, then it becomes appropriate.
It doesn't go away.

Changes the way you perceive past events!
There is a change in your values.

Release limiting beliefs, things that keep you limited. 

It's from when your career or financial life started, so around after 14 years old. 
Or it could be affects from your parents. 

The brain has the largest capacity for human relationships.
Normalization of human relationships by completing it. (finding closure)

A prayer of forgiveness. 

I'm sorry.
This does not exist in the Hawaiian ancient language.
→It is self-contained. There is no option for the other person.

Please forgive me
→The gives the other person a choice.

pono=what's right
"I forgive you" "Please forgive me" 

You see that person "that way", and so it becomes.
You are forgiven because you forgive.

Hara=Outside road
Hewa=too much
It's the same if you do it or think it. It will still affect you negatively.

In your career or finances
①Who you will forgive
②Who you need forgiveness from
③People who taught you the concepts 

=It's not that you forgive what that person did. 

It means you recognize it. 

New things start because one thing ends.
Don't leave things uncompleted. Find closure.

1. Fill yourself with the light of healing
2.Put the other on a stage
3.Fill the other with a healing beam from your chest.
4. I forgive you. Please forgive me.
5. If either have something to say
6. When you're done, the other person moves to the side of the stage.
7. Check for dirt on the stage.
Repeat 1-7 ①〜③ times
8.Everyone gets on stave
9.A bundle of solar plexus connections, cut it with a knife that is the light of healing.
10. Each put away the cut cords.
11. Give thanks to the energy of love and healing.

●3 stages of a happy life 
①A comfortable life

②A good life
A life where you use your strengths and unique characteristics to get what you want.
Sense of achievement・Sense of fulfillment=Happiness

③A meaningful life
Using your strengths and perspectives to contribute to something larger than yourself

What is bliss?
Maroon 5's SUGAR MV

What is most powerfully contagious to humanity is "happiness"

Mr. Endo, thank you so much! 

At Roppongi hills・・・

I couldn't help taking a photo here (lol) 

 I like his work〜


Yesterday was a full on ZOOM day!!!

Today will be streamed live! 

Appreciation to everyone in each area! 




Information from Mr. Ita


Those who are able to purchase are limited to those who are members of AirAsia BIG over the age of 12 and live in Malaysia, but its a surprising price (lol) 

[Reference] Air Asia released  A one-year unlimited ride pass for roughly 13,000 yen
Applicable for long-distance routes

Isn't this soon to come?!
