Saturday, February 8, 2020

"Super deep talk" from morning! →Not being afraid to be disliked!

This morning I did a "voice recording" @himalaya. 

I had a great conversation with Okazaki Nana! 
and with ・・・
Mifuyu Ando-san too (lol) 

This content will be available on Himalaya. 
I will announce it again later 〜!

Our conversation today went  “way deep”!!

This era is becoming polarized with great momentum. 
The train will separate tracks. 

I asked what advice she would give if there was someone who said, 
“I want to ride on the train that Miffy is on too!”

And she said ・・・

“Don’t be afraid to be disliked!” 

Talk about what you’re truly thinking.
Don’t be afraid to be disliked.


My fear of being disliked is
most probably stronger than most. 


1。Discard your desire for approval !!!
That desire to be approved of by others.
Doing something just to be acknowledged or
To meet the expectations of others.
You do not live for the expectations of others.

If you don’t live for yourself
Who will live for you?

Separate the issues (think about whose issue it is!)
Your issue vs. someone else’s issue
You just need to choose your best path.
The opinions of others is their own issue.
Focus on your own issue
(Don’t live for the approval of others) 

2。Life is not a competition! 
Feeling secure when you’re on top 
Feeling insecure when you’re at the bottom. ×
This will only cause you to live feeling a sense of
“Inferiority” or “superiority”.
If you’re going to compare, don’t compare with others,
But compare with your ideal self.
Choose a way of living that contributes to others!
Contribution that is hoping for returns is ×


Let go of the desire for approval 
Life is not a competition 
“Thank you” from others →Your value 

Steve Jobs 
“Approval by others has no meaning” 


Takumi’s mutterings 

I’m bored of my life now.
I want to start a new life! 

She is ・・・


She can’t come today, but the other girl is・・・


Which do you prefer?! The girl today or the girl coming tomorrow?!


I want to meet both〜!(lol)



Today we will learn from Toshitaka Mochizuki’s mail magazine!

■ Narrow it down, precisely because you have passion

There was an interesting dissertation released in 2014.

It’s title was ・・・


“When 3 Charms but 4 Alarms”


It’s almost like a trick question isn’t it.

It was written by Kart Karlson from Georgetown University
and Suzanne Chu from UCLA.

The research team gathered 296 university students and explained
about a certain type of cereal flakes and took a survey of their impression.

On the cereal flakes were written many “claims”

Such as

"quality ingredients"

What the research team focused on was to identify
the optimal number of claims in a persuasion setting.

The answer was ・・・"three"

Compared to when there were "two claims" the good impression 

went up by 【12%】

And from here it gets interesting.

when there were "four" claims,
the likeability suddenly dropped by【8%】

Furthermore, the degree of suspicion went up by【9%】

Just one thing
can drastically change the way
we see things.

The more passionate you are,
the more things there are that
you want to communicate.

But for the person on the receiving end

If the content goes over 【3 points】
the way it’s received changes suddenly. 

That’s why, the more passion you have,
The more you should narrow your focus. 

Our hearts are moved if there is even one reason
that speaks to us.

Thank you for reading.

Reference for this article was taken with gratitude from below.
Thank you!

When Three Charms but Four Alarms:
Identifying the Optimal Number of Claims in Persuasion Settings

I talk about this often in the "How to Speak" seminar・・・

Speaking seminar →
Please come if you are interested!
We have amazing teachers and its for a reasonable price (lol)
What I recommend most is the community!

What I share in the seminar is

"I will talk about 〇〇
  There are 3 points to this!" 
If you say that first・・・
The law of "the brain wanting to fill the empty spaces" 
is activated,
 and as you say, "The first is...." and continue on,
 the 3 points will show up! (lol)
