Sunday, February 2, 2020

In this era of diversification.... the one-way "old way of doing things" will not move people's hearts.

Yesterday’s Ivana Chubbuck・・・
Her seminar is really so wonderful! 

There were so many words that left a deep impression・・・
I’ll communicate as much as I can in a way that doesn’t bring up
individuals and while keeping the NDA. 

What she said at the very start ・・・
“I want to do this as a family, so please gather closer to the front!”
I could tell she’s really pouring her heart into it. 

The “pain” of the heart is a tool for growth. 

That’s what “wins”
Please be fearless 
As an artist. 

“Let go” of the “fear” that “I might be judged” 
This is a community of “artists” 
It’s a special place where there are no politics, 
borders or discrimination. 

Emotional Diary 
(See here for reference ↓↓)

Our subconscious has been put a lid on by our conscious minds.
Our conscious minds try to “rationalize”
And tried to not let us recall what is true.

By letting the pen go ahead and write
It’s a way to get that information from the subconscious....automatic minutes.

this automatic minute taking was diverted from a therapy method ・・・
Leave it to your pen
Pretend as if it were a magic pen ・・・
Don’t think or try to control 

I have a need to be loved.
By so and so!!!! 
The reason for that is ・・

Write a theme
And the person who applies will come up by inspiration.
When you write,
The reason for that is ・・・
The information will come one after the other and flow through
your pen.
Your “conscious mind” is for your daily life.
Your “subconscious” includes pain(=a disturbance to your life)
That’s why there’s a lid on it. You forget it, or deny it, or deceive yourself. 
The “color” of an artist comes from “this investigation (of pain)=making the pain 
Into an instrument. 
Make the choice to change the world !!!

At the end you even write out “the decision of death”
And go to be rid of that fear.
If you can’t do that, it’s hopeless.

You absolutely must get over that fear.

If you don’t, you’ll die.

People are moved by seeing people overcome.
It’s when you prove your own existence as an artist. 

Don’t be afraid, go directly for that core issue! 

Can also use unresolved problems. 
There are usually always 4〜5of those.
Your mother, father, siblings etc. 

The purpose of the menu?
purpose or the scene?
Who are you substitute for?
A substitute means, who does the person you are acting see themselves as?

If the "the true meaning of dialogue" is
"I want love without pain" then you must imagine who it is that
 they want to communicate that phrase to (=the substitute)
(=Inner object)

The you when you were a small child, 
is still, always and forever near you. 

What is a huge purpose that everyone in the world will resonate with?! 

ART is a solution. 
It's using the problems to go and win. 

Your profession, what you chose=it's also that persons character. 

We push on others that "the other person is wrong"!
=I'm right=Freedom from a sense of guilt

Not only choosing the truth, 
but making choices that will change the world! 

What must you or the other person gain
before death. 

Drugs are to gain something. 
once its gone, then the craving begins again. 
and to get away from the self hate, people go to drugs again・・・

When one needs courage→to alcohol 
When one lacks courage or is fearful 

When one needs power→Cocaine, crack, speed 
When one lacks power, lawyers etc. 

When one has painHeroine, opium
It's a pain killer, and it tends to tempt people who have emotional or heart pain.

Heroine work
Fill your mind with pink cotton candy
Let that flow into your blood and run through to your entire body・・・

From this person?! Try it=test
Even when I'm like this?
Even when I do this?!

Always want to "get back their power" 

Deep in their heart is still asleep =It's confined inside 
Look directly at those areas that are being soaked in sugar. 
That's the part that the crowds want to see!!!

Lie=When we feel that just the truth is not enough. 

There were a few people with courage today. 
I want you to also become one of them!!!

When your role is to act as a parent, the child in front of you 
should be a projection of you, when you were a child. 

You yourself, through the child, 
have things you want to "change" or "solve" about your childhood! 

Victims have a habit of seeing what happens are "my fault." 

2 points of chemistry!
Shared pain+sexual fantasy
Connecting that with heart and soul!

*Shared pain
No matter what happens,
these parts that no one understands, you understand.
No matter what happens,
I understand the parts of you that no one else understands.
Thank you. 

*Sexual fantasy
Imagining two people intertwined in unbelievable ways.

Try it with
The shop staff at the convenience store
The person reading the newspaper in the subway

It will change things! 

The director, the cinematographer, the cast ・・・
If they don't feel that they "want to know more about you"
you won't get work.

Now, I'm off to day 2! 


After that is Hiramoto-san's seminar!
There's still room to participate!
Please come! 

In this era of diversification・・・
the one-way "old way of doing things" 
will not move people's hearts!!!


If you want to learn about the era now・・・

Heart Driven


play this audio while commuting to work・・・

From Takashiro-san's mail magazine・・・

From the Big Mac Index, one can clearly understand
 that Japan is now in a
"Temporary doping monetary policy" !!!

The world's "big mac index"

USA 624 yen
Japan 390yen

Switzerland 712yen
Thailand 415yen
Korea 412yen
Columbia 401yen
Sri Lanka 396yen
Honduras 382yen

Japan's real economy and current purchasing power has dropped to a position lower than these countries and is surprisingly shoulder-to-shoulder with Honduras which is 382 yen.


The US Treasury has taken Japan off the "White countries" and it can be said Japan-US relations are at its worst.


【Ayurvedic health management】
Just changing the way you exhale will change your body!  "Breathing Techniques"


Breathing to soothe anxiety or nervousness, or when you can't sleep
It's a breathing method called Nadi Shodhana.
It's a way of breathing through one nostril at a time.

Breathing to soothe irritation
is called Sitali breath, and you do it while rounding your tongue

Breathing to draw out motivation
It's called Kapalbhati, and when your body feels heavy or when you lack in motivation,
its an effective breathing method, done when the Kapa (water energy) rises.

Nervousness or irritation causes shallow breathing,
and shallow breathing makes our bodies and minds unstable.
Conversely, deep breathing is effective for balancing and stabilizing our bodies and hearts.


I was talking with a friend from New York・・・

Apparently being a bit sloppy is the right balance! (lol)

Relaxing and enjoying life is good 〜


Universe membrane therapy ・・・

Maruyama Allergy clinic   Katakamuna

I'm going to start digging deeper around here 〜!