Friday, January 10, 2020

The moment you can say, "I have value" your future changes!!!

Let's learn from Toshitaka Mochizuki's mail magazine!

■ The moment you can say "I have value"
      your future changes

┌1)People can change with
        just one word
"People can change with just one word"

This is the reality of what I've found after 
over 30 years as a writer and as a lecturer 
and watching many peoples growth. 

The direction of your life changes 
with how many words you have to support yourself. 

So today I would like to gift you with one word.


"I have value" 


 By even just trying to say it,
these words will empower you. 

The moment you believe this word from your heart, 
you will be able to recover from any predicament. 

It is also a word that promises you happiness. 

This is not about 
morals or ethics. 

In fact, this is about "science." 

┌2)The power of "value" that changes everything in life 
        ・・・Human relationships, income, health

Almost exactly one year ago, 
on January 7th 2019, a certain research result
was announced via the magazine of Proceedings
of the National Academy of sciences of the USA (PNAS) 


Valuable activity in life 
and the feeling of fulfillment, 
brings about healthy aging,  
and meaningful social relationships
and ways of spending time.  


This research was done by 
Professor Andrew Steptoe who 
researches health science at UCL. 

The research period was 4 years, starting from 2012. 
It was a large scale research with 7304 men and women over 50 
participating from England. 

First, they have all the subjects 
rate on a scale of 1~10
whether they think that 
what they are doing 
has value。。

After that they continuously follow the biometrics 
related to health and lifestyle. 

As a result, it revealed some interesting results. 

About human relationships 

For example, whether they are in contact with a friend 
more than once a week. 

Out of those who rated the value of their own life 
at a 10 or 9 out of 10, 
【73%】answered yes. 

On the other hand, those who rated the value 
of their own life at a 0 or 2 
【43%】answered yes. 

This didn't change, 
even throughout the 4 year research period. 
Those who believed their life had high value 
had lower rates of divorce, were less lonely, 
and were connected to and active in some
 type of social organization. 

On the other hand, those who believed 
their life had less value, spent 
【2 times】the amount of time alone. 

About wealth

Those who rated their lives with high value 
continued work even after 65 years old, 
and during the 4 year research period 
increased their wealth or income 
an average of 【10%】

The research team stated the following. 


"There is a positive correlation between one thinking they have value 
and their wealth and income."   

"This is not related to ones current state of wealth, 

but thinking of ones life as having value is correlated to 
ones long-term wealth in the coming 4 years." 

About health

In the 4 year research, those who rated
 their lives as having high value showed 
good signs of health on the overall, 
compared to those who scored lower. 

For example, 
the concentration of Vitamin D in their blood 
was on average【13%】higher and their average 
steps was on average walking speed was【18%】faster. 

On the other hand, those who rated their lives as 
having less value had 【2 times】the possibility 
of having depression and a【30%】higher chance
of having chronic pain. 

What was particularly interesting was 
the consciousness of healthy eating habits. 

Regarding trying to get over 5 servings of fruits 
and vegetables a day, the implementation rate of those
 who rated their lives with higher value was【1.9 times】higher. 

The same trend could be seen regarding quitting smoking, 
alcohol, and having quality sleep. 

┌3)The moment you can say "I have value"
      your future changes

The important point here is that 
having value does not necessarily mean 
having money or being praised. 

Co-researcher Daisely Finecourt says the following. 


"We don't know what activities the participants 
in this research found value in. 

Some found it through supporting their family 
others in their work or hobbies, 
others in a particular outcome, 
or in enjoying nature or 
following their favorite sport team."  

"What's important is that each individual felt that there was value in these activities and and gave their lives a sense of meaning." 


How excited are you about yourself, 
and how useful you feel to others. 

This is what will create your future life. 

So have confidence, and 
say it here and now. 

"I have value" 


This year I will also contribute in all the ways I can 
to hep you to depend your confidence in these words. 

Thank you for reading! 


Kagoshima was wonderful〜!
Body Concierge TAS/鹿児島市新照院町|Ekiten

Thank you! 

This horribly ”spicy" ingredient 
saves terminal cancer patients from pain?  
The power of new plant-based pain killers|

Today's "Super Yamazaki Academy @Tokyo" was also truly wonderful! 

February's academy sold out in seconds!!!

Lots to look forward to!


[Himalaya app]「Takumi YamazakiSecret to Motivation」
Provides audios via a radio-like program. 

『Takumi Yamazaki's 30 day coaching life "Will make your life 5 times more enjoyable" ☆゜:*:・゜』
