Thursday, January 23, 2020

How to deal with insults! No need to be misled any longer. Let's return it with gratitude

3 correct ways to deal with insults and harassment 【Manga video】

Don't talk back!
Put distance between you!
Return it with gratitude! "thank you for your advice" 

There was an article about the unique speed enforcement being enforced in Estonia, not being with fines of money, but fines of "time" 

Fines that cannot be solved with money. 
It's an interesting idea〜!

↓ ↓ ↓

As part of traffic control, the Estonian police have implemented a unique method of, instead of paying speeding fines, to have the drivers pay by having a 45―60 minute "time out" in that spot.

This article is slightly old, but its an interesting campaign!
There are probably people who would much rather not be tracked than be fined!?

Let's stop littering★

Next time you're out to toss a cigarette butt on the ground, consider this freaky fact: It takes less than a nanogram (or less than one millionth of the mass of a penny) of your dried saliva for scientists to construct a digital portrait that bears an uncanny resemblance to your very own face. 

↓ ↓
Campaign to restore the face from the DNA of littered garbage and make it into a poster


About sleep

Sleep occupies one-third of ones life
and affects the remaining two-thirds. 
Take a bath 90 minutes before sleeping. 
To help control core body temperature. 


【8 minute commentary】
Stanford style   Quality Sleep|The Ultimate Method for sound sleep

Good to sleep 7 hours! (at least 6 hours) 
It's important to sleep at the same time every day. 

【8 minute commentary】
Use all the money you have/It's the stupid people who save that become poor |Author, Takafumi Horie 

The value of material things is lessening. 
An era where experiential value is important

Going forward, its important to switch from a saving type way of living, 
to investment way of thinking. 
Investment type mindset→ In the past, savings was the same as investment. It was 3%.
     →Now its 0.001% 1/3000!

Important to invest strategically!
Stocks? Real estate?!
Invest in play!

May 11th 


Compound disaster in May 11th 2020?
Prophecy by Economist and Illuminati card 【urban legend】

I'd love for Fujii-san in Osaka to explain this! 

Sapporo was minus 6!

Yesterday was day one in the Philippines!

(lol) I can meet people here that I can't meet in Nagoya!

Great job〜(lol)

His mom!

The whole family has gathered!(lol)

Listening to the interviews and speeches was fun too!(lol)

I'm looking forward to today with all of you! 

With all the achievers!!!Congratulations! 

Sharing the products. 
We are a family. 
There were many words that spoke to my heart・・・

I'd like to go to Cebu next time〜

I'm grateful to everyone in each region!

Thank you!

Late night photo in Sapporo, from the other day (lol)

 I can't believe that this was just a day ago!
Now I'm in Philippine time.

I've been talking about flow.

Flow is what happens

in the hybrid state of

"If that came true, I'd be so happy and excited!" and
"Even if it doesn't come true, I'm still so grateful"

So its when "attachment" is born,
that both "excitement" and "gratitude" disappear
and that magical moment (flow) disappears and we get exhausted.

Attachment is born from
a fear of the opposite side (if it doesn't come true)
and it's hard for us to face it because of that fear.

Here is when you can exaggerate and fully feel "what could happen if things fail"
ex: if I can't achieve y goal, then I'll be ignored by others, and be ruined by the rumors that will go around, I might just rot away without food, and lose tons of weight and die (lol)
↓↓↓The point is to exaggerate it↓↓↓

What〜?!That's a bit much, no?〜(lol) and you can break through and see fear for what it is!
Then it becomes no longer attachment but it changes into an aspiration!!!

For those who are already exhausted,
take a step back from the "short term thinking" that you've fallen into,
and once again, revive your "long-term thinking."

What kind of life do you want to live?!(If there were no limits, what kind of life would you like to live? )
What do you want to experience in the next 10 years?
What about the next 3 years?
What about a year from now?
How do you want the next 3 months to be like?
How do you want this month to be like?

Then, "excitement" can be restored.

Next is "thank you"!
List up "the things that you already have"

That you have life
That you have a family
That you have health
That you have friends
That you have hope
Thank you have a dream・・・

Flow can be reproduced.
Attachment is the enemy of flow!