Thursday, October 10, 2019

Imagine the opposite life from that which you desire, accept it, then release it.

Yesterday was a seminar with Akio Hiramoto

It was awesome!!!

From Keiko's memo・・・

Non-stop afterwards too!!!

With everyone・・・

So excited・・・

Thank you so much to Ishida-kun too!

From Hisshi Fujita-san's memos


Takumi Yamazaki-san+Akio Hiramoto-san's Collaboration Seminar

「The Law of Opposites」

・3  areas
Flow zone:Out of habit, following God
Coaching:Creating positive habits, making your own axis
Counseling:Quitting bad habits, bound by your own past

・Meditation is one of the ways to access the flow zone.

・Adler says that humans personalities are decided by the time they are 10 years old. 

・When your motivation doesn't increase, imagine yourself in a moment when you were in flow, and remember how you felt at that time. 
It often separates into two patterns 
Motivational type and peaceful type (Takumi-san's example: Use paint to put a color onto the emotion of the time you were on a roll.) 

In Takumi-san's case, it's the feeling of going into the 4th corner which is the hardest part of 400m track and field. So full of spirit like, "I'm gonna do this!!"  、

・3 Phases
①Attraction:When your frequency matches with that which you desire, and you can therefore attract it
→If a state of not matching goes on for too long, it changes into an "obsession"
②Law of Opposites:Throughly experience the results you didn't want. Imagine the opposite life from that which you desire, and accept it, then release it.
③Surrender:A state of not having anything in particular that you want to do. Leaving your existence in the hands of a greater existence. In the Flow Zone.

・The Law of attraction only focuses on the positive points, so it's easy to get attached or obsessed. Having balance is important. 
Example: This person is clumsy (minus side) but she's doing her best (plus side)

<Hiramoto-san's live coaching>
・A man who is having a hard time being motivated
・A man who sees everyone enjoying but can't seem to enjoy himself.
・A man who wants to imagine and do what he would think about when in his coffin
・A woman who is usually self-confident, but things go wrong when she gets nervous
・A woman who since a long time ago, when bad things happen, always used the most plausible reason to slack off
(Sorry if its slightly different💦)

・Memories are buried in your body's sensations, so moving your body helps to evoke those memories.

・Modeling:Become someone who is doing good =Like you become possessed.

・You can't do coaching with your thoughts. Coaching must be with your senses, experiences and emotions. 

・Among many emotional experiences, there are things that you've suppressed. If you take those things out, things start going smoother. 


Appreciation to those in each region!