Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Want to grow into "an achieving me" --"Growth and Contribution" are the "Treasures"

Had a luncheon in the Philippines !!!

Those already living over here are wonderfully tough and tenacious! 

Today we will learn from Takamasa Ikeda's mail magazine〜!


■ How to think to achieve in half the time 
Taken from first book and long seller "Mirai Kioku (Future Memory" (Sunmark Publishing Inc.)

●1)Goals are tools to change your current self 
When you set your goals, 
is the emotional switch of the current you ON? 
Think about it. 

●2)Goals should be judged based on whether it is worth undertaking
Many people set goals based on "whether or not they can do it" or based on the past. But unfortunately, that is a mistake. 

Because "What you can achieve in a year" 
is not decided by your past year. 

What you can achieve, after a year, 

is decided by "What actions you take for a year, starting from today"
Therefore, your goal should be aiming for something that is WORTH changing how you spend your every day. 

The goal you are aiming for now, 
What sort of meaning does it have to your life? 
What value does it bring? 
When it comes true, how will your life change? 

Let's write it down in a notebook. 

●3)Deadlines are decided by speed of growth
Deadlines should not be rushed. 
Remember that they should be an expression of 
the speed at which you expect to grow

●4)Goals clarify the person you want to grow into.

What gives you lasting fulfillment is not achievement, but growth and contribution. 

"What kind of human you became." 

"How you are contributing to others" 

These 2 are what will give you lasting fulfillment.

●5)Goals should be regularly updated

They are like the "horizon." 

Once you set your goals, continue to change them according to your growth. 

My goals also change every 3 months. 

Remember to update your goals. 

 Appreciation to everyone from each region 