Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Seoul Transit to London-a party hosted by Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles

Seoul Transit to London

This time in London

Hosted by Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles

Charity event ...

By invitation from Keiko Anaguchi

I will go with Ms. Morita Ryoji.

I arrived and had dinner with my friends in London on that day ...

The next day from morning to Paris ...

I will go back in the evening and hold a seminar below! ! !

June 19 ...

In London

If you have a friend, by all means! 26utm_campaign% 3Dnew_event_email & utm_term = eventurl_text

To Paris

Real estate tax and everything

I will do what I need to do! ! !

I will go home at night ~


Do your best in the seminar, English!


Next day

Hosted by Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles

Charity event ...

Oh ~

Oh ~

Oh ~

Mr. Aguchi

after that,

Return to Japan ~

London, Paris and

I have a short stay, but ...

That too life (laughs)

Recently updated, it is bad! It is said!

Mecha, content, full!

It's a great place to learn!!!



"Yoshida source chairman" Yoshida Junki chairman "seminar & talk with Yamazaki Takuya! ! ! Please come! "


Don't be afraid to hide the drip bag with a teddy bear Invent a 12-year-old girl who fights incurable disease, donate free to ill children

Metcha taisetsu!!!2!

You can preserve!!!
↓↓↓Please preserve↓↓↓

最高のアウトプットができる スゴイ!  学び方最高のアウトプットができる スゴイ! 学び方1,620円

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Takumi Yamazaki Book, English ver.

Able to download if you click this site.