Thursday, May 23, 2019

"Self-investment" means "investment in title"! ! !

People over this 3000 people diamond

It is people who support sales of 1 trillion yen.

So col!!!lol

 Excited and haired! (Lol)

Joyce and Patrick! ! !

Great excitement here and there!

WIth Everyone・・・

Ate meat! lol

I drank in the room!


Mr. Mochizuki's mail magazine is wonderful ↓

□ ■ ━ ━ ━
■ After giving a self image
What to do
□ ■ ━ ━ ━

┌ 1) The title shows preparedness

"Millionaires magician"
(Magicians for wealthy people)

A magician representing America
Steve Cohen
About myself
I'm talking so.

Please see the next two

1) To the wealthy people
The magician being evaluated

2) Magicians for wealthy people

At first glance, the same
I see.

But the meaning is
It's totally different.

The biggest difference is "already".

If you give 2)
No longer on the general stage
It will not be possible to raise.

And of the wealthy with high standards
Stages that can withstand appreciation
I have to do it everyday.

Cohen's business card
It is written as follows.

"Millionaires magician
-For high-end events

Naturally, the letters are gold letters.

But this title is
I was welcomed from the beginning
There was not.

2) With self-investment,
Investment in title

First on this title
It was against
What a Cohen's wife.

She is not alone.

Manager also
Public relations too
My best friend
Everyone around me was against you.

But Cohen
I did not give up.

Purchase several expensive Italian suits
Change watch to Frank Muller
I changed from the costume.

Renewal of HP
Good promotional videos too

The Millionaires' Magician:
"Miracles on Madison Avenue"
------------ YDpnKX

And he is the hardest
The most important thing
I made up my mind to work on it.

┌ 3) If self-image goes up
Can "refuse"

It is to "turn down".

First of all
We raised the price significantly.

And no matter how expensive the offer
"Entertainment for high-level events"
If not suitable for
I decided to refuse frankly.

Cohen says.

"If you don't reach out
It does not reach
When it becomes an apple with a high branch
I decided. "

Such efforts are
I finally got a fruit.

Show at a luxury hotel
Waiting for cancellation several months ahead

Millionaire David Rockefeller
Big businessman Jack Welch
Became presidential candidate
Michael Bloomberg etc
A funny face calls him,
On that stage
I praised it.

) 4) After giving a self-image
What to do

I always say.

"If you change your self-image
Life will change "

Many successful people have the same view.

But the important thing is
After changing the self image
What do you do for that?

□ Changing the title

□ Worthy of that title
To be an appearance

□ Worthy of that title
Becoming a person

□ Because of that [money]
【Time】 and 【Request for cooperation with people】
Do not hesitate

□ For that title or vision
If not appropriate,
Do not make a special case

By continuing this
Finally life is
It will change.

Is that so serious?

But please rest assured.

You should think in the opposite way.

Worth doing so far
"What is truly worthy to you"
"I really want to be"
All you have to do is find.

Exactly Voltex
In this one point
I can help you.

And the course is
It is not one.

The angle you are interested in right now
From the angle that seems necessary now
You can choose the way to go.

So, tomorrow
From what angle your
Is it useful? [1 day]
I would like to invite you in an attempt to understand.

Read it today
Thank you very much.

Today's episode is
The following documents
It was helpful.
Thank you.

"Only magicians
Strongest psychological strategy "
P. 223-226

Discover Twenty One
Author Steven Cohen
Translator Ikuko Miyahara

Toshitaka Mochizuki

Ryoichi Honda is wonderful (lol) ↓ ↓

Because it is a lecture meeting on May 23rd, recruitment of company and housework sabotage

The secret to live alive

I will talk with Akiko Suzuki, figure 9 broadcast live tomorrow night!

Don't pour yourself into unconditional love

★ If you do what you want to do, you are afraid

We will hold a one day seminar on Sunday, June 16 in Nagoya!


A must-see baseball pitcher!
Elbows hurt by pitchers and throwing events
This way to cure!
It is a surprise technique.
Please see the main story for details.

Self-driving truck T-Pod without driver's seat, public road test started in Sweden. Plans to enter the US in 2020

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Takumi Yamazaki Book, English ver.

Able to download if you click this site.