Monday, August 14, 2017

It is also good to travel with a trip of attraction (^ ^) /


"Country not needing money"

It seems like a good book!
I want to read! ! !

I received such a comment!

↓ ↓ ↓

It is Fukushima Norihito.

I will send you the impression of reading "traveling trip" ↓

When I was reading this book, I felt like I was traveling.

"What meaning did that place at that time?"
As I said, I also looked back on my past memories.

It is also good to travel with a trip of attraction (^ ^) / 


You do not need "more". I just need more "sense (sensation)".

Alan Cohen's words · · ·
I was numb! ! !
\uc0\u12472 \u12514 \u12514  \u12491 \u12517 \u12540 \u12520 \u12540 \u12463

Takumi Yamazaki Book, English ver.

Able to download if you click this site.