Sunday, April 10, 2016

Life, faith and thought is close・・・

I went to Rafting! lol

French an Italian・・・

There are so good guys. lol

Kitahara san used be brought me here, it was Synchronicity!!!

Life, faith and thought is close・・・

I will leave here tomorrow and go back to Japan.

LA and NY last week.

and Bali now.

I am watching my life from different angles・・・


It is that you have more "receive",
You "give" more power.


Alan Cohen's nice words!

with Nam.
She is Taiwanese leader.
She is very nice lady.


Thank you everyone!

He is Kejiro!
Thank you!

England group~♪


Happy Birthday Takashu kun♪

access girl wanted!
with book, please.

Fear of being killed by a shark is no longer!? Band for marine sports to protect themselves in a strong magnetic「Sharkbanz」
\uc0\u12472 \u12514 \u12514  \u12491 \u12517 \u12540 \u12520 \u12540 \u12463

Books of Takumi Yamazaki, English ver.

Able to download if you click this site.