Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Career woman might have masturchief.

this has arrived!!!


This is the article career woman have master chiefs http://topics.jp.msn.com/wadai/r25/article.aspx?articleid=4580059

I got this email!Wow!

The stress from unstable Hormon balance cause the master chief of woman. At the same times this is caution for coming disease.

Morita Office in Kyoto ・・・very cuteー
Picture of Akiyama is great match tooー♪

Thank you always!

I heared BBQ in 6/1 was great too♪
Thank you.

Happy energy brings happy energy・・・♪

What life should you prefer?
How do you want to live in the truth?


I like KONO's song♪「Kimowo Sagashite」KOKIA


♪Momoiro Okite girl?!

Vorgine Atlamtic try to make the airplanes which floor is glass.
I thought it is joke but it was reality.


Holder furniture・・・do you like?

Time travelorー?

Mail magazine from Mr. Miyauchi ・・・


Why my story is not interesting?
Tatsuhiro minobe http://amzn.to/1nzsi2M


・「Interesting」is feeleings from listers to speakers.

・Entertainment⇒love・work(company・Money)⇒Food・Live⇒School(children、story of school)⇒Family(Farther and Mother・Grand farther and grand farther・brother and sister・couples・Children)

・Thama doesn't comes accidentally.

・We all have the memory which was not good, so mistakes tend to agree. TV program, Gokigenyou is great example.


ジモモ ニューヨーク

Books of Takumi Yamazaki, English ver.


Able to download if you click this site.