wanna read!
wanna read!
「photo reading」is super!
I was talking about that with Ms. Kodama!!!
She gave me「Mr.P」・・・heard it is delicious! lol
Morning Seminor
・・・please read once!
arrived in Shinagawa.
stream of workers who are on the way to office.•••
Everyone has desination and the reasons.
If we had a time to think about how really life would be like, then life would change.
This month would be finished today・・・
What were the study for this month?
What you can do for next month?
What kind of life do you want to live?
What should you do for next 2days then?
What kind of you would be the best?
Books of Takumi Yamazaki, English ver.
Able to download if you click this site.